Something unexpected

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When the four boys watched how Harry fell unconscious to the floor, the all ran to his side. Luckily Louis was there to catch him on time. When they relized he wouldn't wake up they rushed into action.

-Ok, Liam quick carry Harry to the van, Louis you'll drive. We have to take Harry to the Hospital- Zayn said as he got up and helped Liam with Harry he was soon followed by Niall and Louis. They all ran outside, and heard some people shouting their names, but they didn't turn around.

The got into the van, Louis in the driver's sit, Zayn in the passager sit, and Niall and Liam bahind trying to wake up Harry.

-Harry, sweetie, please open your beautiful eyes for me- Niall said brushing Harry's hair.

-Please babe, you're scaring us, we need to know you're okay-Liam said stroking his cheeck,-He got no response, which made him panic just a little bit- Louis, could you please drive faster!-he yelled at Louis

-I'm going as fast as I can Liam, but I still want us to get there alive!-Liam yelled back

-What's with all the yelling -they all heard a soft hoarse voice

-Harry!-They all yelled in unison

-What happened?-he askes trying tobsit, but was stopped by Liam

-You passed out, we were in the middle of rehearsal and then you were falling, just like that- Niall said while a tear fell off his eyes.

-Oh Niall, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Please don't cry. I'm all okay now - Harry said as he took Niall's  hand and rub it. He turned to look at Zayn- Where are we going?

-To the hospital, you have to. It's obvious that you're not okay. There's no room for discussion -Zayn replied with a stern tone

-I agree, I was making an appointment for Saturday anyways- Harry said with a little smile.

They kept silent the rest of the trip, all stealing glances at Harry every few seconds. While he rested his head on Liam's leg.

As soon as they arrived Zayn ran innside to get them with a doctor as soon as possible. The others helped Liam off the van with Harry in his arm while he protested.

-Let me down Liam! I'm awake now, I can walk just fine

-Come on Harry, let us take care of you a little-Louis said. Harry grunted in response and mumbled a little 'fine'.

They carried Harry inside, where Zayn was already waiting for them with a doctor. The doctor guided him to an office. They all got in, Liam put Harry on a Chair, and offered Louis the sit next to Harry. He accepted and took the sit next to Harry's and his hand in both of his.

-Okay, aparently, for what I heard from Zayn, you passed out before you came here right?-He turned to look at Harry waiting for a response. Harry nodded and the doctor wrote it on his computer- he also said you have been going down on weight, having less appetite and you have through up a couple of times?

-Actually, I have been throwing up daily, every single day on the morning, and some day I throw up at othe hours.

-And you hadn't told us until now?!-Louis half yelled at Harry, who fliched a little

-I'm really sorry, I didn't wanted to worry you-Harry said and his eyes started to fill with tears.

-Louis don't do this, please. It's obvious that Harry already feels bad about it- Niall said trying to reason with Louis

-How can you say that, he's been lying to all of us. Don't try to defend him!

-I'm not defending him, I'm just as angry with him as you are, probably Zayn and Liam too. I'm just saying...-he was interupted by the doctor

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