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Liam didn't know why he did that, but he wasn't ready to face any of the guys. For some reason without giving it much time to think, he went to the airport and bought a ticket to Wolverhampton. He needed to see his Mom In this moment he thought she was the only one that could give him a good advice.

His mom had always been supportive about every decision he had taken in his live, even if things were a bit strange. She didn't hesitated a second to tell him he loved him when he told him he was in a relationship with a man. Things didn't change when he confessed he didn't had a relationship was with just one, rather four.

Actually when she discovered that those four boys were his band mates, she was thrilled. She knew how happy they made his baby boy, and she only wanted what was best for him, and it was clear that they were the best for him.

Liam was sure that his mom was the best option to talk in the moment, since he just left his other four in the middle of the street. He didn't want to think about it in the moment, or the fact that he didn't had anything packed. But he probably had many clothes in his mother house, so he didn't gave it much thought.

He waited for a few minutes 'till they announced his flight. When he was already on the plane he felt sleep instantly.




Karen was relaxing on her house, reading a book. He wasn't expecting any visits, that's why when the doorbell rang she was so startle she dropped her book to the floor. She recovered far, and went to open the door. She was surprised to find her son on the other side. She was quick to give him a big hug, but she was intrigued by the visit.

-Hi baby! What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining

-Hi Mom, it's nice to see you. Actually I didn't plan on coming. It's just the first place that I thought of, and I just hopped on a plane and, here I am.-Liam said with a sheepish smile.

-What happened?-she asked concerned.

-Maybe it's better if we go to the kitchen and take a tea while I tell you, yeah? I'll make the tea-Liam said heading to the kitchen.

-Nonsense. Go take a sit while I boil some water- Karen said and followed Liam

Liam wasn't in the mood to argue, so he just mumbled something he hoped sounded like an affirmative answer. He took a sit on the kitchen table and watched his mother while she prepared the tea. It felt good, to be home again. He really missed his mom, but the boys helped him get his mind on other things. His mom came back with two cups of tea. He took a zip. It tasted amazing, but it had nothing to Louis' tea. His tea always had something that made it taste amazing. He tried to focus on something else, so he turned to look at his mother, who was giving him an expecting look.

-So...what do you want to talk about? I'm assuming is something bad, from the lack of enthusiasm when I greeted you at the door.

-Yeah, that. It's just...I had a big fight with the boys- he said with a sigh

-Oh, come on Liam. You love those boys and the obviously love you. You are the strongest relationship I have ever seen. I'm sure you can work it out.

-I'm not sure about it this time- Liam said with a frown

-What happen? Please tell me, I can't help if I'm I don't know what the hell it's going on.

-We found out something, and we were really shocked. But I couldn't handle it, so I just kind of, walk out. I didn't say much, just walked out. I don't know what happened with the others. I guess I was just thinking about myself- he said, remembering the events with a pained expression.

-Don't worry babe, they probably understand you need your time. They're probably waiting for you to get home in this moment.

-I don't think so mom. I don't even know if I'm going to find them together if I go no. Hell, I didn't even stay enough to see if someone had kept Harry company- He said rubbing his face with frustration.

-Honey, they will forgive you anything, that's how much they love you. Besides, what are you even talking about, why would Harry need someone by his side? I know he is really sensitive, but if you all fight, why would someone need to check on him.

-Maybe I should tell you what caused the fight

-Maybe you should-said Karen with an impatient tone

-You see mom, the thing is...the reason I can I tell...-he was interrupted by Karen

-Oh my god Liam, say it already

-Harry is pregnant-he said closing his eyes. The next thing he felt was a strong slap on his face.

-Oww, mom what was that for?-he said rubbing his check

-I'm sorry Liam, but it was for acting like a jerk. Your youngest boyfriend tells you that he is pregnant and you just leave. He's probably scared out of his mind. You have no idea how hard and scary being pregnant is, even when you have support. If you take the support away it's way worse. How could you be such an idiot?!-She said smacking him on the head this time- My first grandchild and you just leave like that-said Karen with rage.

-We don't even know if it's mine- he flinched when he saw his mother raise her hand again but stopping in the last moment and instead rubbing the bridge of her nose.

-Please tell me you did not just say that? Oh my god Liam, I thought I'd raised you better. It doesn't matter if you are that kid's biological father. He is the product of the love between one of the men you love and you, or two of the men you love. There is no way you won't love this child. I know how scary it can be at first, but it doesn't justify what you just done.-Karen said giving his son pointed look

-I know mom, but I just freaked out. I don't know what to do, I feel like it's too soon for me. Besides, I was never that good with children. Not like Louis or Harry. I can't possibly be a good father-Liam said on the verge of tears.

Karen quickly got up from her sit and went to give his son a hug. In that moment it truly hit Liam what he had done. God, he was such a prick. If he was scared out of his mind, Harry was probably feeling at least 10 times worse.

-I was an asshole mom-Liam mumbled

-You were honey, I'm sorry, but it is the true.

-I have to fix this-he said looking at his mom, and then turned to look at his watch- I still could take a plane now. But I'm too tired to travel, I don't think I can. Plus I have to clear my head, I think I'm going to the mall.- Hopefully he could buy an ice-cream from the shop he went when he was little and it would help him forget stuff just for a second.

-Then go, try to calm. It's probably better if you get back with everything planed- She said giving his shoulder a little squish. Liam gave her a smile and a small peck on the cheek and headed to the mall.




After Liam had relaxed and finished his ice-cream he decided that it was time to get back to his mother's house. When he was about to exit the mall, his eyes landed on a baby shop. He could see some baby stuff on display, but there was one onesie that caught his attention. He smiled to himself and entered the shop to buy it.




So, here it is, Liam realizinh his mstake with his mother's help, I hope you liked it

If you do, comment; if you don't, comment.

Sorry for eny mistakes, if you find one please let me know.

Have a nice day :)

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