Morning 'Run'

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I got up pretty early the next morning and went running. I do this every morning, but I was particularly looking forward to it today, since I was up north and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking.
I ran up to the lake where we went last night, and my phone started ringing. I looked at the called ID. It was Ben, my boyfriend. "Hey." I answered the phone, confused as to why he was calling me this early.
"Uh, hi." He sounded tired, like he'd been up all night or something. "We need to talk."
I got suddenly nervous. "About?"
I heard a faint voice in the background, and it sounded like a girl. This isn't gonna be good. "I-I think we need to break up."
"What? Why?" I asked, though I knew exactly why. I just didn't understand. We were so good together.
"I, um, I just think we're so young. We need to see other people."
Oh, like you're doing now? "I, Ben, please..." I gave up, not knowing what to say, and close to tears. "Um, ok, I guess. Good bye."
"Wait--" he started, but I hit the end button.
I sat on a rock and cried. And cried and cried.

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