House Pride ✅

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  "It is...Slytherin!" The shorting hat yell causing the hole Slytherin house to explode into cheers and we got potters. Allene jumps up smiling and runs to go sit next to Draco and an older looking boy. "Welcome to Slytherin my name is Marcus Flint. This is Draco but by the looks you will already know him. I'm the Quidditch caption but you won't be able to join till next year if then." Marcus says looking back at Dumbledore.

"I wonder what this year will bring." Allene says to nobody. Draco looks back at her and smiles not smirk smiles. Allene nods then looks at Dumbledore who has just finished his speech and is clapping his hands saying, "Let's eat."

"Classes start tomorrow and I want to know which class is the best class?" Allene askes Marcus who is now stuffing his face with food "And stop stuffing your face nobody is taking your food." Marcus looks at Allene as if she had just slapped him and shallows his food.

 "Potions is the best Snape is our head of house, so he never takes points off his own house no matter how bad we do. And as for your comment I am sorry I am just so Hungary and you sounded like my mum. why are you not eating."? Marcus asks sitting up and looking down at her plate.

 "I didn't know that Professor Snape was our head of house that's cool. If I must sound like your mum for you to eat properly I will. Aren't we supposed to be like the pure blood house and half-bloods too? We must act like it does not act like pigs. I am eating, I'm just not stuffing my face." Allene says giving a pointed look to the two boys who are on either side of Draco. Draco who was paying attention to the conversation elbowed both boys who looked up at Allene with guilty expressions and mumbled a sorry.

Professor Snape looked up from his plate to hear Allene scolding Marcius about manners and eating. He also noticed his whole table had heard her words and were all looking guilty. Allene Will most defiantly be like their mother while they are here. Even the 7th years where following what she said. Snape let a small smile form as a he noticed how much of lily was in this little girl. "Time for bed Prefects will you show where the first years where they will be sleeping class schedules will be handed out at breakfast tomorrow morning. good night." Dumbledore's words cut off Snape's train of thought.

"First year stand up come with me. lets go." Allene looked over to where she heard the voice and saw a girl and guy standing at the end of the table. She also saw everyone looking at her as if waiting for her to get up. Allene got up looked at Draco and nodded "Come on first years lets go to the prefects." Allene says looking over at the prefects as all 14 first years stand up and walk over to the prefects. Allene then follows behind them. "The rest of you all my stand. let us go." Allene says looking over her shoulder to see her table still sitting there.

"Allene, may you come up here." The prefect girl asked looking to find the young girl. Allene comes out from behind the first years and walks up the prefect girl "Yes..." Is all Allene says not knowing the girl's name. " It appears they will only lesion to you after you scolded everyone. So, I think it best up here with us. My name is Renata Rosier, and this is the boy prefect Lawrence Gage." Renata says looking down at Allene with a smile. "Pleaser to meet you Renata and Lawrence," Allene says shaking both their hands before turning around and looking at all the Slytherins, "First year's line up right here, this is Renata Rosier and Lawrence Gage they are our Prefects follow them and listen to them. 2nd through 7th years I assume you all know where to go. So, you all can go and get ready for bed. before we get there." Everyone but the prefects and first year scurry out of the great hall. "Okay know follow us and keep up." Lawrence says walking out of the great hall followed by the first years.


"This is the dungeons the potions class is right around the corner that way," Lawrence says pointing to his left "And this way is to the brick wall where you get into the common room is." He says walking up to a Dead end. "The password changes every other week. for the next two weeks it is Pure Bloods." Renata says turning back to the brick wall as it opens. " Girls' rooms are to the right and boys' rooms are to the left. Breakfast starts at 7:30 and ends at 8:50. Classes start at 9am and curfew is at 9pm." Lawrence says Pointing to the stairs to the right and left.

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