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It had been many a day since she last stepped foot in her home. Murkwood was long behind her, and though she was thankful, she was saddened as well. Mainly in that she wouldn't be likely to see her friends or family again. Still, she supposed it was better than being stuck as a noblewoman, even as a noble of Murkwood.

So, instead of giving her hand to some prudish noblemen and doing everything her mother told her, she knelt in the grass, bow in hand, arrow in her fingers, and deer in sight. Taking a deep breath, she loosed the arrow, letting it fly. They wouldn't let her hunt back home, not since the rumbles of war began. They were certain that the moment she left the castle, she would be jumped by orcs, and she would be helpless. Helpless! Like hell she was helpless!

She began the long trip back to her hut, dragging the deer along. Ok, so maybe she wasn't helpless, but dragging the damn thing over miles would be tiring to anyone, but she needed meat and experience. At least it was a peaceful trip. The forest was gorgeous, not so as her home forest, but she couldn't risk being found and taken back home.

She had very little left to remind her of her childhood: no tapestries nor mementos. Well, almost none. She had one little beauty from her close friend when she was young: an intricate necklace, of silver, and small crystals. She seldom wore frilly garments, particularly now that she spent her time foraging, but she wore that under her green hunting gown, however, that was all.

He was the one thing she really missed. Being a child of high breeding and few words, she didn't have many friends, but he was like a brother. He was the only one who knew about her escape plans and had assisted her in the endeavor. Now in the silence, she missed him more than ever. Correspondingly, to her being lost in these thoughts, she almost missed that her hut was drawing nearer.

Leaving the deer to be processed, she walked inside for a drink. It was warmer there, but just as quiet. She had read all her books and could find no fresh amusement within them. The most she could do was imagine what had happened after she left her home, which was at least a little funny. She returned to her work; seeing that night was drawing near, she didn't fancy arguing with a bear over ownership of the deer.

She lay down for the night, surrounded by deafening silence. Freedom. Bliss. A wonderful life... She sighed. Should she have stayed home? Would that have been better? Was it better to have people she hated bothering her all day than to have no one at all? She just wanted someone to talk to. Hell, she would have been happy to have a dog. Just something to talk to, something alive.

Something about this life felt like a dream: strange, and surreal. She loved hunting and being free, but she never talked. She suddenly felt cold, as if a gust of wind had blown past, but there was no wind, only her walls. Maybe the morning would be better. She closed her eyes. Maybe...

A shriek rang out across the night, throwing her eyes wide open. She jumped from her cot, grabbed her bow, and raced to her door. Stepping out, she listened. There again, the cry rang out. No animal she knew of. All went quiet, but for some strange, low sounds that she couldn't make out. She jumped as an inhuman roar tore the silence. Her heart felt as if it were trying to beat through her ribs. She darted back in, placing her hand on her chest as if to soothe the anxious organ.

She didn't care how good with a bow she was, she had no intention of confronting whatever that was, especially at night! She simply sat, listening as the shrieks continued for hours. All she could hope was to come no closer to the sounds, or more for the sounds to come no closer to her. 

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