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"Not Fun"


"Super not fun"


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1963 was not fun.

Lizzie had finally arrived there after a few days and not even five minutes into the day a white lady threw a milkshake at her while she was on her way to meet up with the Handler.

She reached the hotel and knocked on the door to the Handler's room. After a few minutes of no one answering she tried the door herself. It opened to a sizable room that had a comfortable feel to it.

"Oh Lizzie, how nice of you to show up," The Handler started with her evil-ly sweet tone. "What's that all over you?"

Lizzie sighed, "It's a milkshake." She moved across the room and sat upon the chair infront of the Handler. "Did Lila already stop by."

The Handler hummed in response, and Lizzie nodded as a way to say okay. "I need you to watch over Lila."

"What do you not trust your own daughter or something?" Lizzie asked, wishing that she was at work instead.

With a delicate tea cup in her hand, the Handler said, "Oh no, I just want you to make sure she's safe." Something in her voice sounded disingenuous but Lizzie ignored it. "You'll be running into the emotionally stunted super heroes who all think you're dead. Very inspired." She grabbed a box from under the table and placed it on the coffee table.

The box was a pristine ivory color, it was about the length of the table. The handler motioned for Lizzie to open the box. She grabbed the sides of the lid and threw it off the box. Inside was a few hand guns and a few rounds of bullets, but in the center was a rubber mask of a purple lion.

Lizzie had spotted Lila from the field outside the Mexican Consulate. She went around the back and went through the service entrance. As soon as she spotted Lila again she kept her eye on her.

She saw her move up the stairs so Lizzie followed her to her best ability. As she reached the edge of the stairs, she put the purple lion mask on and looked down each end of the corridor. Seeing that Lila and Five were fighting one guy, Lila hanging from the ceiling on the lights, and Diego was being choked and attacked by two of The Swedes.

She ran down towards Diego's side of the hallway and attacked the assassins that was leaning over and holding his stomach. As she made it over he blocked the attack from her left hand, but she undercut him in the jaw with her right hand.

He recoiled in pain grabbing his jaw and kicked her in the knee. Lizzie saw from the corner of her left eye that Diego was starting to escape from the chokehold, and through her left eye she saw Lila and Five push one of the Swedes out the window.

Lizzie realizing that her mind was drifting away, she roundhouse kicked him near his hip with her right leg. And kicked him to the ground with her left leg. When he landed on the floor she put her foot on his chest to keep him down. She clenched her fist and brought it to his face knocking him out.

When she got situated Diego was now staring at her, "Who are you?" He asked. Lizzie shook her head and ran down the stairs hearing him yell again from a distance, "I said WHO ARE YOU?"

Once she got outside she took off the mask and wiped off her sweat, glad to be done with that.


thanks for 17k reads, y'all are awesome!!!!

i guess im publishing this on my birthday (november 14th) lol jk I did it early but idc

sorry for the short chapter and also this is the last time im gonna apologize for a short chapter

Sorry for the slow updates! I've been having health problems

Sorry for the slow updates! I've been having health problems

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