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"No deal"


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Lizzie returned to the Handler's room at 1:00 am. Lila was asleep but the Handler was wide awake, waiting patiently for Elizabeth to return.

"Good you're here." The Handler said.

"So, what're we doing next?"

Lizzie was staking out where the Handler had told her the Umbrella Academy was staying, to make sure Five exited the building alone. She hadn't seen the majority of them since the end of the world.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lila, who had finally realized that she was in 1963 the previous night. Lila was very distressed that her mom had asked Lizzie to help them, as she was determined to do it all on her own.

Five too had spotted Lila and started to run after her. Lizzie followed after the two of them, far enough behind for Five not to notice her if he turned his head around.

She caught up with the two and was waiting with the Handler.

"You can come out now." Five yelled.

Lizzie followed behind the Handler, "Well done. You figured it out."

The old man was still holding down Lila, "Well, it wasn't very hard. She fights like every one of you Commission drones." Five looked around the Handler and spotted Lizzie. "Didn't know you were still alive."

The Handler droned, "Hmm. No matter, here we are. Together again. I've gotta ask... did you miss me, you little shit?" Lila choked out a laugh from the floor. "You've got a good nose."

"You know, planting her in a psych ward, taking advantage of my simpleton brother, that was smart." Five praised.

The Handler had a small evil smirk on her face, "Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Five glared violently at the Handler, and Lizzie felt to scared to laugh.

"She's your-"

"-Daughter. Yes. And she's my only one, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe." Five loosened his foot from Lila's neck.

Lila got up and breathed in sharply, "I am so going to enjoy killing you someday."

"I imagine there's a long line in front of you for that." Lizzie commented.

The Handler looked to her daughter and said, "Lila, darling, would you give us a minute, please?"

"Yes, the grown-ups need to talk."

Lizzie watched as The Handler told Five of the plan. How he had to kill the board members so that the Handler could take over the commission. She did sugarcoat it with the fact that his family would get safely back to 2019.

"But remember, doomsday's right around the corner, and the way things are going, I'm your only option." The Handler reminded as Five walked away.

Five turned his head back to the Handler and scoffs softly, "Not yet you aren't." He then turned back around a blipped away.

Lizzie rolled her eyes, "I'm gonna go back to the commission for a bit."

"She's planning on taking out the board, the only piece she needs is Five." Lizzie sighed as she sat infront of AJ. "But maybe you can offer Five another way back to 2019."

AJ hummed, "I'm not too worried about it, Five isn't to fond of the Handler."

Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Yes, but although he hates to admit it but he'd do anything for his family. Including working for someone he doesn't like."


thanks for 19k folks!!! Love you guys! It really means a lot to me that this story is as successful as it is (especially since it took me a minute to figure out if successful started with and 's'

thanks for 19k folks!!! Love you guys! It really means a lot to me that this story is as successful as it is (especially since it took me a minute to figure out if successful started with and 's'

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