Ch. 1

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(Hi everyone! I'm Emily, the author, and I hope guys like the book!)

"Honey...honey it's time to wake up. You don't want to be late for your first day!" Is what I hear my mother whispering in my ear to wake me up. It's still dark outside when I look out the window.

I'm going to college at WCU in Washington, and she's freaking out a little.

"What time is it?" I ask her in a groggy voice. Why is she waking me up so early when I have to be there at 10:00 and it's only an hour drive.

"5:00. Why?" She says as she sits on the foot of my bed.

"Because it's still dark outside." I sit up so I'm eye level with her.

"Just get up so we have a good head start ok?" She kisses me on my head and leaves my room.

I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the shower. I hope the hot water calms my nerves. It helps slightly, but not much.

I'm still on edge as I comb through my hair, blow dry it, and curl the ends. It looks pretty good, and I'm sort of impressed. I put on a little mascara, since I don't really wear makeup, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I decide on my nicest pair of jeans and a maroon sweater. It's a little too nice for moving boxes into my dorm, but I'm comfortable, and conservative.

I enter the kitchen to see its already 7:00, and my mother has made a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice.

My brothers Noah and Timmy are sitting at the table with my father. Timmy's real name is Tim, but I call him Timmy.

Noah is the oldest, 22, Timmy is the middle child, 20 and then I'm the youngest, 18.

I sit down at the table and start to dish up my plate, when my mother comes rushing in with my bags in her hand.

"You never loaded the car last night Tom!" She yells at my father.

"Noah and Tim, I told you to do it I thought?" He says as he looks at Noah.

I interject. "It doesn't matter. I'll put them in the car when we go." I try to make my mother feel a little less stressed, but she just runs back upstairs and we hear the bathroom door slam.

When I finish eating and my mother is ready to get going, it's about 8:00. I check my hair one last time and my family and I head out the door.

We all pile into the truck and my nervousness grows. Noah leans over to me and whispers "It's not as bad as you think. I'll come visit you all the time with Timmy. You'll never know we're gone." Noah was always the comforting one, while Timmy is the crazy one.

When we pull up to WCU, my heart starts to race. I'm actually doing this, attending WCU, and starting my life.

Noah and Timmy carry my bags to my room for me and I open the door with my key.

There's no one in my dorm when I get there, but there's 2 beds, so I know I'm sharing.

Timmy drops my bags and goes and flings himself onto my bed.

"Timothy Hamilton! Get off that bed right now!" My mother scolds. She's still a little uneasy about the whole "college for her youngest" thing.

As I'm unpacking all my belongings, a brunette with long curly hair comes into my room.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt! I'm Harper by the way." She says excitedly. "I'm Emma. Nice to meet you." I smile at her to let her know I'm not as cold as I come off as. I was never really good at introductions.

My mother continues to unpack my things as Harper and I small talk about high school. She tells me she was the valedictorian of her class, and I tell her I was also.

My family and I say our goodbyes, and they leave. Noah's the last one to go, because he says he going to miss me the most. He hugs me one last time and right before he leaves, tells me that if I'm uneasy about anything to call. I know he would be here in a heartbeat, so I know he's not just saying it to make me feel better.

"My family is coming up in a few minutes, so be ready." Harper says with a giggle. And she's right, less than a minute later our room is crowded with 4 more people again and I just continue to unpack.

Harper introduces me to her mother and father, then to her sister and brother. Her brother keeps staring at me and then at his feet. Is there something on my face?

Her brother is gorgeous. He tells me his name is Harry, and that they just moved to Seattle, Washington during Harper's junior year of high school. I'm not from Seattle, but it's my favorite place in Washington.

I just want to run my hands through Harry's brown curls, but I keep my hands to myself. He tells me he's a sophomore here at WCU and that if I need someone to show me around to text him. We exchange numbers and he goes back to his room. The rest of Harpers family leaves about 10 minutes later and she gives me a white smile.

"I saw you and Harry hitting it off really quick." She says in a thick accent, just like Harry's. I get a little shy, but tell her about it. She says that I have her approval to date her older brother, and I thank her, but tell her it's too soon. She tells me to text him so I can be "shown around" and I oblige and text Harry.

"Still up for the offer?" I text him.

"Of course! I'll be at your room in 10." He replies less than a minute later.

I wonder what my mother would think if she knew that within my first hour of college, I'm already going on a date. Well, is it a date?

(I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and I'm going to start updating everyday or every other day so just watch! Love you all and thanks for reading!

Instagram (personal): emily_kinne

Twitter (personal): EmilyKinneKinne

Let me know if I should make an account for the story!)

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