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It's been at least two days since the small being
found shelter

It was sunny ,but it's like the sky is bi-polar

Well thats kinda how the sky acted at least


It was the crack of dawn the sun was coming up

Currently the little ball was just waking up
What seemed to be sitting the ball stretched and climbed out of the box scouting around the cold and poorly lit alley way like usual

The black and white country was hopping around the corner when the small ball got shivers
And heard the clicks of what sounds like nails hitting the cold concrete ground and the loud breathing indicated that whatever it was , was WAY bigger then the little country in size

The ball was about to turn and run when they could feel hot breath on the top of their head

The country turned their head a-bit only to see

Dark brown eyes full of hatred
Looking down upon the white and black flag
Their white eyes widen as the brown ones clashed with theirs
A high pitched squeal was released into the air
And a dust could of where the small country was

The black dog let out a growl and started to bark chasing after the poor country




The small country was already in tears while they were running

The barking getting closer and louder , scaring the little being even more

The white and black striped flag found its little box lair and dived right in hoping that whatever the beast was will go the wrong way and continue on running

But then the clicking was heard again the heavy painting worst
This alerted the country causing them to let out a high and loud pitched squeal

Then it went silent
The clicks were heard again
And sounding like they where coming towards the box

The blanket on top of the box was grabbed and lifted
And a little bit of light was shining through

The little ball had no choice but to defend it self
They started to hiss and what sounded like barking but not really but like Morley sounded like short angry squeaks

Finally the blanket was taken off
The light blinded the poor country
When the light died down a shadow of a person was revealed
But when the person came closer
They reached their hand in
                 To grab the white and black ball







{To be continued}

The odd country ball.   (countryhumans x country.   ballreader) (re-writing) Where stories live. Discover now