Before it all (part.1)

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(I made that drawing so please do not take it or do anything with it please,if you do then ask me ok?)

"Black out , Black out!"

A small child wearing a white dress shirt and cream coloured work pants with beautiful white fur boots

They held a bright smile as they ran over to a taller a figure standing on black sand staring out at the ocean

"Black out!"

The child called out to their elder family member
Causing the figure to turn around and show their face

Long dark brown and black hair that went past their knees swayed a bit

"What is it white?"

The male spoke as they knelt down as soon as the little bean was infront of them

"Mom- *pant* mom said come back *pant*
Home it's supper time!"

The black flagged figure nodded as their little (sister/brother) was trying to regain their breath

They let out a chuckle and picked them up letting them rest on their shoulders causing their armour shine from the brightness of the child while walking back up the slope

(Here's what their armour looks like)

(Here's what their armour looks like)

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"Hey white"

They spoke

"Yes black?"

The child looked down at her/his sibling

"Promise me that if something goes wrong here or anything thing happens to our homeland run, run far away don't worry about me or anyone else, take the armour off my back and run away and don't EVER look back ok?"

The flagged personification spoke softly while looking down the hill across the village giving of a sad smile with out their younger (sister/brother) noticing

"I will black out, even though I don't know where to run I'll continue on for you and our family-"

They where cut off by their sibling

"No YOUR family not mine that's why I said don't worry about me"

They giggled out a little

"Anyways black why do you tell me this? I mean I know that family doesn't like you but-

No they just don't know you they're just jealous of how strong you are! Your really smart and nice they just don't understand and see what's underneath your mask!

And that's why I look up to you




White-out spoke while looking at their brother

"It's ok my little snow flake no need to worry about me anymore and please how many times do I have to tell you call me Kyra"

Kyra spoke softly while putting their younger (sister/brother) down then looking back at the village

"Ok Kyra can we go home now?"

As they looked up tugging at his hand

"Oh yeah... LETS GO!"

He roared as they picked up the white and black organization and slung them over their shoulder and ran down hill

Laughing all the way home due to them both playing around and running around the village
completely forgetting about their mother telling them to come home for supper

This continued till the moon was high and the two siblings fell asleep in a grass field stargazing

As the northern lights where dancing in the night sky

Their mother was walking near by looking for the two trouble makers

The pure white country looked down at the sleeping organizations and smiled knowing that her babies where safe even if she was over protective

But tears slid past her black eyes

She knew just as much as kyra did

The village was going to war soon and her eldest son was going to war

Yet she knew one thing that everyone didn't




He was an enemy spy

But she still loves him With all her heart and knows that he'll never hurt their younger sibling or her and is doing it for the both of their safety

"I love you both, Kyra... and (y/n)"

The mother kneeled down and petted their (daughters/sons) hair

"Please protect them Kyra, protect them with your live"

Her tears fell down on the two

"My time is coming to an end, I'm sorry my little ones  I'm so so sorry"

The white flag got up and walked back home with tears still flowing down her face

Little did the village know

It was all gonna come to an end soon

Just you wait

The odd country ball.   (countryhumans x country.   ballreader) (re-writing) Where stories live. Discover now