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I woke up coughing water out, I felt someone hug me a crowd was gathered around me my vision was blurry so I couldn't see clearly.
Kuroo-"I'm so sorry y/n! I never meant to make you drown!"
y/n-"it's okay. I don't even know what pulled me in the water."
Tsukishima-"holy fucking shit. I thought you were dead."
y/n-"i'm not cause i'm talking to you guys." I gave everyone a smile as they went to go lay down on the sand.
Suga-"y/n you need to be careful."
Daichi-"for now on you aren't allowed to go anywhere without someone."
y/n-"what why?"
Suga-"come on you're the baby of the group no one wants you hurt. I don't think Kuroo, kenma or Tsukishima would want you dead."
Noya-"guys! I booked us a hotel!"
Tanaka-"best part! it was free!"
I cocked my head over to Noya and Tanaka, they had the biggest smiles on their face Suga and Daichi... not so much. They scolded Noya and Tanaka until Lev came behind them.
Lev-"it's fine! my uncle owns a hotel here so I thought you guys would want to have a rest."
Suga-"how many rooms?"
Lev-"um... two. But it's fine your coach and Takeda could share one while you guys and the team share one room!"
Daichi slapped Noya and Tanaka as they fake cried. I giggled as I was pulled back by someone, they pulled me pretty far from the group I attempted to scream but they covered my mouth.
y/n-"let go of me you bastard!"
Oikawa-"shushhh it's just me."
I knew Oikawa from a festival, I bumped into him when I got lost from my friend group i think he was a third year of middle school while i was first year. Apparently he was on a school field trip and he was in Tokyo and he got lost from his group too. He bought me cotton candy and popcorn while we searched for my group, when we found my friends he gave me his number just in case i wanted to text him. Soon his texts became dry and boring so I stopped texting him when I was a first year in middIe school going into second year. i read our old text messages if I ever missed him.
at 4:50pm April 23 2016
oikawa:)-"hi y/n! How are you doing?"
y/n-"i'm doing great how are you and volleyball lol"
oikawa:)-"i'm doing well with volleyball! I hope I make it to nationals one day!"
y/n-"i know you will! I wished you lived in tokyo!"
oikawa:)-"i hope i see you again one day!"
           at 1:00am April 24 2016
y/n-"hi oikawa! Are you still awake?"
oikawa:)-"yes very much! I just finished practice 30 minutes ago."
y/n-"don't over work yourself."
oikawa:)-"i know! I'm tired tho i'm gonna go to bed. gn y/n!"
             at 2:15pm May 13 2016
y/n-"hi! been awhile how are you?"
oikawa:)-"sorry this is iwa-chan Oikawa is currently practicing i'll tell him to text you."
        at 9:28pm May 20 2016
y/n-"hi oikawa! I hope your doing good!"
oikawa:)-"hi. im really tired."
y/n-"oh well go get rest! night!"
              at 6:34am June 7 2016
y/n-"morning oikawa!"
            at 3:45pm June 7 2016
y/n-"hey oikawa!! Are you okay?"
         at 3:33am June 8 2016
y/n-"hi oikawa... i just wanted to check up on you, I know i'm only a first year but you really helped me out there when I was lost in the festival. Are you ignoring me? Do you hate me now? I feel like I have been annoying you... but just know if your feeling down i'll always be here..."
         at 7:21am August 12 2017
oikawa-"it's been awhile..."
         at 10:32am August 12 2017
oikawa-"sorry for ignoring you... i'm just really focused on volleyball. I'm in high school now. Please do well in school."
         at 5:16am August 13 2017
oikawa-"i know you probably hate me now for ghosting you. But know I'll be here if you need me. <3"
The last words he said to me, I gave up on talking to him I still re read all of our messages when i was a second year. It did hurt to lose him though, but i never forgot about him.
Oikawa-"i'm so so so sorry for ignoring you! All the other people were making fun of me for talking to a first year so i stopped replying to ur texts..."
y/n-"well it hurt."
Oikawa-"i know and i'm terribly sorry! I still remembered you though. I'm so happy I decided to tag along with my team to go to the beach or i wouldn't have met you again!"
Oikawa pulled me in a hug, i felt tears roll down my shoulder. I hugged him back, he was taller than before and sure had more emotions 'fuck oikawa.' I pulled back and smiled at him. I brought him back to my group so he could meet the teams.
Hinata-"y/n where were you!"
Y/n-"Oh. This is Oikawa we met when I was a first year in middle school and he was a third year."
Tsukishima glared at Oikawa, he pulled me back from oikawa and held me by the waist.
Oikawa-"hey! I um... y/n is my friend!"
Noya-"did you do anything to her?!"
Tanaka-"you better not she's dating that salty bitch over there!"
oikawa-"no no no. I just saw her at the beach and we caught up! nothing happened."
Y/n-"guys we should eat! i'm hungry!"
Oikawa-"yeah i'll call my team over!"
I waved goodbye and I turned to Tsukishima.
y/n-"well hello daddy dino." I pulled him down and kissed him, he picked me up and shoved his tongue down my throat, i gagged cause he went so far down. He explored my mouth with his tongue he bit my lip and pulled back, saliva came out he was breathing heavily.
Tsukishima-"why did you gag?" he licked the saliva off my lips and his.
y/n-"you shoved your tongue down my mouth why wouldn't i?"
Tsukishima-"well i'm preparing you."
i raised an eyebrow as i'm so innocent, i never really got dirty jokes or anything. I laughed and he carried me to the fire, Everyone was bundled up together as Oikawa and his team came. I sat in Tsukishima's lap holding his hand, Yachi and Joshi gave me a death stare as I sticked my tongue out at them.
Kuroo-"truth or dare y/n."
kuroo-"do you really love tsukishima?"
y/n-"of course I do! Who doesn't?"
Kenma-"truth or dare Kuroo."
Kenma-"kiss Joshi. With passion."
Kuroo-"i umm... a different girl please..."
Kenma-"fine y/n or Yachi."
Tsukishima-"Kuroo isn't kissing y/n."
Kenma-"then yachi it is!"
Kuroo hesitated, kenma was snickering I really really really didn't want him to kiss yachi or Joshi. Sure I didn't want him to kiss me but he had no one else to kiss. Kuroo turned his head and kissed Kenma. Everyone gasped as i saw Kuroo slip his tongue in Kenmas mouth, Kenma then grabbed Kuroo's hair and pressed his face harder in his.
Suga-"Hey! There are children here! Do this later!!"
I laughed as they stopped kissing, never knew Kenma could do that. We continued to do truth or dare until it came to Yachi.
Yachi-"Tsukki truth or dare."
Yachi-"Dare? Okay! I dare you to kiss Joshi AND me." A smiled formed on her face anger began to grow in me as I was about to get up, Tsukishima pulled me down and whispered.
"let me handle this." He got up and walked towards them, Yachi and Joshi squealed as everyone else looked shocked, I was mad was he really gonna kiss those idiots. 'don't do this.'
I watched as tsukishima bent down to Yachi's level, he moved his face closer and closer to hers. I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was gonna happen.
i opened my eyes to see everyone laughing, I raised an eyebrow as tsukishima came back to me and pulled me close to him.
Tsukishima-"I told you once and I'm gonna tell you again. I. have. A. Girlfriend." Yachi and Joshi ranaway to who knows where. Ukai called the team saying that he finished cooking the meat everyone ran towards him and started attacking the food.
                         ~time skip~
I said goodbye to Oikawa hoping I'll see him again in a practice match or a game. We walked to the hotel Lev's uncle owns, he gave us the key to the rooms the room was a decent size but I wasn't sure if it was enough for a whole volleyball team plus 2 managers and one idiot. Suga and Daichi took charge and they spilt us up in groups
Suga-"Tsukishima, y/n Kageyama, and Hinata you guys will be in the little living room. One of you can sleep on the couch and the rest on the floor, I suggest y/n sleeps on the couch."
Kageyama-"can't I just sleep in the bathroom?"
Daichi-"No one. And I mean no one can leave the room without me or suga or telling us. If you do 5 extra laps during practice for a whole month. So Tanaka and Noya I wouldn't suggest doing anything."
Suga and Daichi said the groups, after we all went into our group and they turned off the lights. Tanaka and Noya kept making noise until they got yelled by Daichi.
y/n-"psst, psssst. Tsukki."
y/n-"can i cuddle with you pleaseee."
he turned his back. I was lonely on the couch by myself, i turned around and played with my hair. I thought of tsukishima. That's it. Tsukishima rent free in my mind. Just him alone sitting there makes me blush, I thought about if we broke up. What would he do? Would he just forget me? would he spread rumors about me? would get with yachi or Joshi?

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