Chapter 11

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The three of us were sitting at the table enjoying our thanksgiving together as a family.
"How's school going?" My dad asked.
"Good. Made some new friends. My grade are good. I get a good pay even though I work part time I was able to afford an apartment off campus" my brother answered.
"I'm proud of you son" my dad replied. I snorted. Part time job my ass.
"Something wrong?" My dad asked me. My brother looked at me with an eye brow raised.
"No sorry" I answered. He nodded continuing to eat.
"How's school going for you?" Calvin asked. My dad laughed. 
"Not so good" he answered for me. I rolled my eyes.
"What's going on?" Calvin replied.
"Her grades slipped a little bit. She went from A's to C's" my dad responded.
"Why is that?" Calvin asked looking at me.
"She's been hanging out with new friends. Don't remember the last time Mel was over here" dad answered.
"Mel was over here three days ago. You didn't see her because you're always working. I'm still friends with her" I replied.
"What about these new friends? Nadia?" My dad responded.
"Nadia?" Calvin asked looking at me.
"I met her two weeks ago" I answered.
"Yeah gave her a tattoo that I did give permission for" my dad piped in.
"You have a tattoo? From a girl named Nadia?" Calvin demanded.
"Yes I do" I said.
"New friends? A tattoo? Nadia? I bet Nadia is Nadia Adams isn't it?" He demanded.
"Yeah it is. So what?" I said.
"Stay the fuck away from her" he yelled.
"Or what? You'll have one of your so called friends come after me? There's nothing you can do about it. I'm seventeen. I can make my own choices" I yelled. He was quiet. His eyes wide. Like I just pulled his pants down in a public place.
"You're in the angels aren't you?" He whispered. I shook my head. I grabbed the napkin off my lap and put it on my plate.
"I'm not hungry anymore" I said. I got up and walked away. My brother grabbed my sleeve exposing my tattoo. He let me go.
"How could you?" He asked.
"How could you not tell me? I've been your sister for seventeen fucking years. I've slept across the hallway. You've had every fucking chance to tell me you're a gang leader but you didn't. I had to find out myself. And yes I'm your rival gang. I'm dating the leader of the angels and there's nothing you can do about it. You want me out of the gang? Then kill me. Because that's the only way you leave the gang and you know that. I joined willingly and I'm sticking by my choice" I said to him. I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the house. I called Jeremiah.
"Hey baby" he said.
"Come get me?" I asked.
"Why what's going on?" He replied.
"Calvin knows" I responded.
"I'm on the way" he said. We hung up and I walked to the school. I sat down at the bench after wiping snow off of it.

Jeremiah parked his SUV and came over to me. He had a blanket and wrapped it around me.
"What are you doing out here dressed like that?" He asked. I was wearing a brown dress that went above my knees and some high heeled ankle boots.
"I couldn't be in there anymore so I left the house" I answered.
"Come on let's get you warmed up" he replied taking me to his car. He opened the door and I got inside. It was nice and warm in here. My skin was burning from it. He got in and started driving back to his apartment. I leaned my head against the window and he put his hand on my thigh.
When we got to the apartment I went right to his room. I tried getting the top of my zipper to the dress. Jeremiah came in and unzipped my dress for me. I stepped out of it and grabbed my bag that I left here. I pulled out some leggings. I put them on and grabbed one of his shirts putting it on. I kicked off the heels. He put his hands on my hips. I leaned back against him.
"Do you think my brother would kill me?" I asked trying to not let some tears out.
"I don't know" he answered.

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