Chapter 14

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"When I was 19 I met this beautiful girl. I fell in love and we got married six months later. Everything was great. Until your brother saw her. He wanted her. She was his best friends sister. She was suppose to be jumped in for the saints but she was already jumped in for our the angels. So one night. When we were all out at party when we all got along he grabbed her. Just like the guy was doing to you at the party where we met. She pushed him off and punched him. Her tattoo exposed. On her wrist and he was pissed off at the fact that we took one of their legacies. I saw it all happen. He pulled out of the party and I followed with the angels. He threw on the ground and shot her. The only way out of a gang is death and he knew it. If they couldn't have her either could we. He didn't care that it was his best friends sister. Nadia saw it too. That's what made her join us instead. I didn't know who you were at the party. I just saw what that guy was doing and it reminded me of that night and I wanted to keep you safe. The next day I discovered who you were. That you were his sister. I talked to Nadia that night about you. And she said the best revenge was to get you in our gang. He would either be forced to kill his own sister or be a coward and walk away" he said.
"What?" I asked I started crying.
"Hey listen okay? I got to know you. I fell in love with you. I would never let anything happen to you" he said.
"You let me join knowing he killed her? Knowing how I feel about you?" I replied.
"I didn't want you to join remember? I told you no but you convinced me to join. You said there was nothing that could change your mind. That you wanted to be with me" he responded. I shook my head. I moved my leg off of his and grabbed my crutches. I walked away from him and he followed me.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Just leave me alone" I answered.

I got a car and went home. I paid the guy and went into my house. It was dark. All but a lamp in the living room. I went in there and saw Calvin drinking.
"You're still here" I said.
"Couldn't leave knowing you're an angel" he replied.
"What are you gonna do cal? Kill me like you did Jeremiah's wife?" I responded. He looked up at me.
"He told you" he said.
"Yeah he did" I replied.
"Did he tell you that the angels took so many legacies from us? That we are legacies for the saints? That mom and dad were saints?" He responded.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah. Dad knows about the saints. He's proud of it. He's proud of what I've done because I've told him everything. Why there's a war between the two gangs in this town. He wanted me to keep you out of this. Away from this life. Let you get out. But here we are. You're a fucking angel" he answered.
"Just wait until he finds out" he added looking up at me.
"You'd be dead for sure" he said. Tears escaped. My own dad would kill me? I didn't feel safe here anymore.
"Does he know?" I asked.
"I do now" my dad said coming in. I was panicking. He nodded towards me and Calvin got up. I tried to move but not quick enough. He grabbed me. Forcing me to sit down on the couch.
"Make it public. Get the angels there to see" my dad said. Calvin nodded and left the house.
"Please don't do this daddy. I'm your daughter" I said crying.
"You stopped being my daughter when you joined the other team" he replied.

A few hours passed. My dad was holding me up in front of everyone. The saints and soon we were joined by the angels. Jeremiah had a gun in his hand. Along with Nadia.
"Welcome to the execution" my dad said. I couldn't stop crying. He pushed me to the ground and held the gun out. I closed my eyes and heard a gun go off. There was screaming and I looked to see my dad on the ground grabbing his leg. Blood was everywhere. I jumped when someone grabbed my waist. I looked and saw Jeremiah. I relaxed a little bit. He helped me up and got me to Nadia. She was trying to get me away from I looked back.
"Don't watch" she said. I could help it. Guns were being fired.
"Jeremiah" I yelled trying to go back towards him.
"Sara stop" Nadia said grabbing me.
"Please. I can't lose him" I replied. She set me down and ran into the gunfire.

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