Something Fishy

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   I was in first period sitting next to Kindle,-thirty minutes into class-when the schools 'bad boy'walked in. Even though he is a bad boy you probaly think that this boy that has dark brown hair and deep, almost crystal clear eyes and a white shirt black pants that hung dangerously low, a brown leather jacket and combat boots would be a complete player, right?. Wrong. No one has heard of him even kissing someone.almost the entire school population wants to get down his pants.

     Well anyways when he walks in every girl in this room pulled down there shirt to show cleavage. I mentally gag. I may dress a litle showy but I'm not a slut. Oh god mind my rudeness I forgot to tell you his name his name is Jeremy Stany. He is totally gorgeus but I've never talked to or about him.

"Late again, I see."Mrs.Bell says.

Being the total smartmouth he is he said back to her,

"I geuss I am"It was kinda funny and I wanted to laugh but I didn't.That's when he starts to walk my way and I notice the only seat available was right next to me. I start to panic but stay cool and collected even with all the female species glaring at me. After he sat next to me I could feel him staring at me and it was uncomfortable but I refuse to look at him. Then suddenly my phone vibrate scaring the crap out of me. I took it out of my pocket and read that I had a message.I clicked on it seeing it was from Kindle. It said 'Oooohhhh the bad boys sitting next to you.' Since I am sitting write next to him I look over to see Kindle trying not to laugh and I just role my eyes and put my phone away.Just then Mrs.Bell started talking again.

"Okay class we are going to be working on a project with assigned partners."Everyone groans at that."Oh hush. As I was saying before, I will be passing around a peice of paper with the information." She quickly passes around the paper."Okay, so Mary...."I waited until I heard my name."Brett your with Jeremy" My eyes widened so much,that since there already so big that they probably look like softballs. All the girls glared at me even harder and my face most likely looks like a fire truck. Since I was the last name the bell rang shortly after. I quickly started to collect all my things when someone grabed my arm and pulled me around and I was suddenly looking into gorgeous crystal eyes that belong to Jeremy.

"So looks like were partners."He says while smiling, I think this is the first time I've seen it but I still smile back because its contagious.

"I-I-I-I g-geuss s-so."I stutter. He lets out a chuckle while my face is red.

"So should can we meet tonight to start working on it?" He asked in that deep voice that gives me shivers.But I have the thing tonight.

"I'm so sorry could we maybe meet tomorrow my bestfriend is moving tonight and me and my other friend wanted to say goodbye." I hope he won't get angry because I've seen it before.

"No.Of course I completely understand." He says surprising me and everyone around us. All I could do was nodd my head with my with my wide eyes."So could I have your number so I can text you later?"He ask handing me his phone. I could only nod and take his phone and put my number in. When I was done I handed it back. Then I saw Kindle and told Jeremy I had to go. When I finally caught up with him he said something that I really didn't expect but I was really excited to do it.

"Wanna skip school and go swimming instead?"Kindle said. My

eyes widened a bit but I nodded my head and we headed outside and went to the beach.

        Since we always wear bathing suits under our clothes I had to wait for Kindle to put his swim trunks on. All I had to was take off my clothes

and I was in my cute purple two piece bikini. After another two minutes Kindle came out in green swim trunks.

"Finally I could have baked like a potato, you took so long." I tease but he just glares at me. We start to go into the water.


  We stayed in the water, and I had decided to go deep in the water. When I swam all the way down I saw something shiny. When I grabed it I swam back up to shore and motioned for kendle to follow me and which he complied. When we got there Kindle emidietly started to ask me questions.

"What...What is it?"I shruged my shoulders and started to look at what was in my hands it was two necklaces.They were the same but also a bit different. They were both in the shape of a shark tooth,(but that's because they are one)one was on a gold chain, at the tip on the bottom it starts as a dark purple and slowly turns lighter but still a dark color.

The other one is the same but it's a dark green and it also has a gold chain. I was looking at amazement and I could hear Kindle whisper"Wow".Then I had a idea and I looked up at Kindle.

"Lets make a pack." I said to him.

He looked at me suspiciously before he asked,"What kind of pack?"

"A pack that no matter how hard life gets, and no matter how much we want to give up, even though some times its okay,  but we won't give up on each other. We'll use these,"I gestured to the necklaces,"will be a reminder and we will never ever take them off."I said.

He smiles and it's so big I think that it might break his face.

"Absolutely."He says."I want the green one." I role my eyes at him.

"I figured you'd want the green one." I unlatch it and he turns and bends down so I can reach, when I put it on I turn for him to do the same."Come on we can relax at my house." He nods and we head to my house.

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