Chapter 3

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Mia's POV

I instantly wake up as a flash of lightening lightens up my room. Just like my brother I am terrified of thunder storms.

I quickly get out of bed and jump at the clap of thunder. I slowly exit my room and walk across the hall opening a random door hoping it was Louis.

"Lou?" I called into the darkness slowly opening the door.

"Mia? What's wrong?" A deep husky voice asks. That's not Louis.

"There's a thunderstorm and I was umm well looking for Lou" I mumble.

"Louis' out with his girlfriend, he will be back in the morning" Harry explains in his deep morning voice.

"Oh I'm sorry to have woken you up" I mutter and turn around to leave.

"Do you want to stay here for the night? So you don't have to suffer the thunderstorm alone?" Harry offers.

Thunder claps again and I let out a small yelp. Harry chuckles and I hear him pull back the blankets.

"Come 'ere" He says. I nod and slowly make my way over to the bed. I lay down my back facing Harry as he pulls his covers over us. More lighting and thunder goes through the room and I feel the tears run down my face.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon" He whispers. I nod and shiver as I feel his strong arm wrap around my small waist pulling me closer to him.

"I bet Louis would kill me if he saw us like this" I say trying to stop myself from falling asleep.

"Yeah he'd kill me thinking we just had sex or something" Harry says. I giggle at Harry's easy use of the word sex, I've never had sex. Not even a first kiss.

"Well it would explain my bruises" I answer back. Harry chuckles and I feel his hand set on my stomach.

"Well that would be somthing to tell the people at school, you'll have the boys all over you" Harry whispers.

"I don't think i'd want that...I'm not one for attention..." I mumble.

"Well you'll have attention one way or another" Harry whispers shifting a bit so his bare chest is pressing ontop my clothed back. My eyes started to feel heavy.

"I guess so....but at least the bullies will stay away for a little" I say and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.

                                                      Harry's POV

Bullies? She's going to a new school and she's already worried about bullies? Someone must of really hurt this girl. She seems afraid....of what I don't know.. I pull her a little closer to me. Feeling her warm, soft body pressed against mine. I feel her breath deeply. She must be asleep...I feel my eyes start to get heavy and I fall asleep too.


"What the hell is this?!"

My eyes bolt open. I haven't moved from the position I was in last night. My arms were wrapped around her waist holding her close. Mia slowly opened her eyes, and I took my hands and arms off of her.

We both sat up and looked at Louis, who was giving the both of us death stares.

"Answer me. What the hell is going on here?!" Louis shouts at us again.

"There was a thunderstorm last night, Mia came in looking for you because she was scared so I let her stay with me for the night" I explained.

"Are you sure nothing else happened last night?" Louis asked crossing his arms.

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