Chapter 14 :Padme 2nd birthday part II

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Rose is in the living room sitting on the couch with Padme in her arms as the two year old is sleeping in her arms as Rose looked down at the sleeping two year old as Wanda enter the living room as Rose looked up to see Wanda.

"how long Padme is sleeping?" Wanda asked Rose.

"not to long ago." Rose answered.

"can't believe that she's already two." Wanda said.

"I know, and I told her that she's our labor day princess."Rose also said.

"I know she already learning to use witch magic, and she will be a great witch and she will have someone to love." Wanda said.

"is that from your vision?" Rose wondered.

"yes and again spoilers on who Padme will be in love to and marry." Wanda told her.

"got it." Rose said.

"by the way, have you seen Matt around?" Wanda wondered.

"yeah, he is with Mary for getting Padme's birthday gift and her birthday cake." Rose answered.

"how long did he leave?" Wanda asked her.

"couple of minutes ago." Rose reply.

"ok." Wanda said.

Jenny also enter the living room with Ali as she sees Wanda in the living room with Rose.

"what you two talking about?" Jenny asked.

"about Padme's birthday party." Rose told her.

"it be just family right?" Jenny wondered.

"yes." Rose said.

"ok." Jenny said.

"so, I heard a rumor that Sam and Dean are giving you and Matt baby?' Wanda asked.

"you mean the impala, yes and I was shocked that they are giving us the impala and you have to remember Wanda, the impala was their father John's then it was passed down to him to Sam and Dean and now it ours." Rose explained it to Wanda.

"good to know." Wanda said.

"so, if I'm hearing this right here but Sam and Dean gave you and Dad their impala and does Mary know about this?" Jenny asked.

"yeah, I told Mary about it and so did John that me and your father will have baby and your father or me will drive the car." Rose explained it to Jenny.

"it feels weird that someone else besides either Sam and Dean or Mary drive the impala." Wanda said.

"there is a lot of other people that drive baby and it will be a long list on who drove that car and it will take a lot of hours to explained it all Wanda." Jenny also said.

"I will talk about it later with you Wanda." Rose told her.

Padme wakes up as Rose looked at her.

"had a nice nap sweetheart?" Rose asked the two year old.

Padme yawns as Rose kissed Padme's cheek as Padme sees her favorite Aunt Wanda and smiled at her.

"hi little witch and happy birthday." Wanda said.

Padme goes Wanda as Padme kissed Wanda's cheek.

"Aunt Wanda." Padme said as Wanda and Rose gets a shocked look on each other faces as Wanda smiled.

"you know who I am, good girl." Wanda said.

"I'm amazed that Padme learning so many things really fast." Rose said.

"well, she just learning on who I am and said a few words and she knows on how she gets out of her crib all by herself." Wanda points out.

"that's true Wanda." Rose agreed.

"by the way, where is Emma and Scarlett?" Wanda wondered.

"in the theater and they are watching that new Bill and Ted movie." Rose answered.

"that just came out right?" Wanda asked.

"yes, saw the first two Bill and Ted films, I didn't even like it Tony said the part one and part two is good and I had to disagreed with him." Rose told her.

"the first two sequels are stupid is that what you saying?" Wanda wondered.

"in a word Wanda, yes." Rose reply.

Ellie walked in with a huge smile on her face as both Wanda and Rose notice Ellie's smile that is grin from ear to ear.

"what you smiling about Ellie?" Wanda asked her.

"had a talk with Danielle and it was great and so ready to hold my baby either New Year's eve or New Year's day." Ellie answered.

"when does New Year's eve fall?" Rose wondered.

"it falls on a Thursday and New Year's day falls on Friday." Ellie told her.

"she will be born on New Year's day on the stoke of midnight." Wanda said.

"is that new vision Wanda?" Ellie asked.

"yes and Danielle will be a healthy when she is born and you and Amy will be amazing parents to her and Jenna will be a awesome sister to Danielle." Wanda told her.

"Ellie, Wanda is never wrong with her visions." Rose also said.

"I know." Ellie said.

"oh, I forgot to ask when is Ellie's first sonogram?" Wanda wondered.

"in a few months." Rose answered.

"and I never had a sonogram before." Ellie also said.

"Ellie, trust me when you see your baby the very first time you going to get so emotional to see Danielle." Rose told her.

"is that how you felt when you had your first sonogram?" Ellie asked.

"yes, when I was pregnant with Jenny and I had my first sonogram and when the sonogram tech show me Jenny, I was so very emotional and I had not stop crying for a few days and I still have Jenny's sonogram picture and her sonogram video to keep." Rose answered with very warm smile on her face.

"were you what like 6 months pregnant with Jenny at the time?" Ellie asked her.

"as a matter of fact I was 6 months pregnant with her when I that sonogram." Rose said.

"and can you and Wanda go with me for my first sonogram?" Ellie asked both Rose and Wanda.

"we be delighted to go with you to your first sonogram Ellie." Wanda said.

"thanks." Ellie said.

"your welcome Ellie." both Wanda and Rose said.

Padme touched Wanda's cheek as Wanda looked down at Padme and smiled.

"yes little witch?" Wanda asked her as Wanda smiled.

Padme kissed Wanda's cheek as Wanda smiled at her.

"aww, thank you little witch." Wanda said as she is still smiling.

"she really looked up to you already Wanda." Rose said.

"yes and she still sees me before I get up from bed." Wanda also said as she kissed Padme's cheek.

"Chapter 15 soon.

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