Prologue: Destiny!

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Over half a century has passed since mankind has immigrated into space, currently there are hundreds of massive space colonies in Earth's orbit. People dwell in these artificial lands, treating it as a second home to live and die...

Cosmic Era 71: Due to the Bloody Valentine tragedy, tensions between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT escalate to an all-out war. It was predicted that the Earth Forces with their superior numbers would quickly be victorious; however, the introduction of humanoid war machines—called mobile suits—changed that assessment. These monsters of the battlefield were created by ZAFT, by genetically enhanced humans called Coordinators.

Nine months have passed since the conflict began with no end in sight.

Orb Airspace: Heliopolis

Beyond Earth and the moon exists a resource satellite called Heliopolis. Although calling it a satellite would deeply undercut the structure's size and beauty. Heliopolis is a space colony that is owned by the Orb Union, a neutral nation in the conflict between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance. It was here that civilians, wanting to get away from the horrors of war, would take refuge.

Outside this marvel of engineering, in the darkness of space, something moved towards the colony.

It was human shaped but massive and metallic with a single cyclops eye that glowed red. It was a GINN, one of ZAFT's mobile suits and a centerpiece of all the ZAFT forces. Six GINNs into total made their way towards Heliopolis; in the middle of their formation was a small stealth craft full of ZAFT soldiers.

The mobile suits and small vessel moved silently, adrift in space, power levels turned down to an absolute minimum, allowing their inertia to carry them forward. This alone would not have been enough to get them into the colony undetected, but they had inside help. Someone on the inside had masked the sensors in the area they were gliding to, but who knew if their luck would hold?

It lasted long enough.

The GINNs touched down on the colony, right over a hatch with a massive NO ACCESS painted on the top. The stealth ship also stopped and opened. The space suited soldiers poured out, dividing into squads and dove down a smaller hatch, deactivating sensors as they went.

One of the GINN pilots, Miguel Aimon, let out a breath. He was tall, with blond hair and a cool, almost arrogant demeanor. So far so good, he thought to himself as his mobile suit knelt down and began hacking into the access hatch. Over their wire communications, he heard one of his fellow pilots –Matthew—shoot off a wise-crack at another named Grace, who quickly responded with an insult. Miguel tuned them out, both should know better than talking during a mission, especially when he stressed radio silence.

Suddenly his terminal bleeped as he gained access to the hatch. Smiling to himself, Miguel opened the doors leading into the colony. Record hacking time. Let's see the red coats do that!

He motioned for his comrades to follow him into Heliopolis with a downward movement of his GINN's arm.

"Miguel," a fellow pilot called, "There is a siren going off!"

"Calm down Olar. It's on the other side of the barrier. A ship just docked at the bay."

"Do you think it is the ship we followed?" Olar asked.

"That's very likely..." Miguel muttered.

The GINNs dove into the colony.

Heliopolis: Inside Transport Shuttle

A young girl was taking a nap.
Her transport was coming from Orb Ground Control and heading towards Heliopolis.
She was sleeping because it is a long journey from Orb to Heliopolis.
Her papers identify her as Kururugi Kaname; Second Princess of Orb.
She has short blond hair cut really short so that she can be mistaken for a boy, when in disguise.
Her eyes are closed, but her passport shows that she has blue eyes.
She is wearing casual wear.
Elsewhere in the Bay Area.
A Mobile Suit is being put together by mechanical hands.
Following precise instructions given by Kururugi before the flight started, it is working on the OS of the Mobile Suit.
An OS is an Operating System for a type of Mobile Suit.
Any type of Mobile Suit.
Many arms, legs, torsos, heads, and armor are under construction but shelved at the moment.
Kururugi had designed this machine to be portable and to design mobile suits for her.
That way she could put all of her attention on Piloting a Mobile Suit or studying information when unable to pilot.
Kururugi is very smart, she can pilot any machine that she comes across as long as she takes a full minute to study the machine.
She creates OSs as a hobby.
As the shuttle lands, Kururugi wakes up.
She opens her blue eyes and gets dressed.
She puts on a white shirt over her white underwear.
She pulls brown cargo pants over her panties.
She grabs a brown jacket and puts it on over her shirt.
She then grabs a brown hat and sets it on her blond head.
The Machine finishes phase one of the OS while Kururugi was getting dressed.
The Machine puts every single part on the cart then switches to standby mode.
Kururugi grabs the cart with all of her supplies and luggage and wheels it out of the shuttle.
Kururugi walks to the Research Lab on Heliopolis.
"Ahh! Not the same as Earth!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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