get a stuffed animal. (hard/soft/any.)+
if you get a stuffed toy, good luck! :)
glare at your fave pic of jason. (sorry yaio or hentai lovers, None of that!)
listen to a song that reminds you of jason. (Ex. carnival freak by myuuji)(Mostly reccomended)
Whisper a message to jason or say ''(gender of toy) belongs to me.''
if your door is blue, knock on it 5 times (still works on other doors.), and remeber, do NOT be scared.4
The Side Affects:
soar throat
hearing faint music (randomly)
random poking (with Movements.)
if this didnt work for you then read his story or think about him. (Get crazy if you want.)
and if it did work, and you get the last side affect, he is turning you into a wax doll in your dream.