Daniel Seavey | Nightmare

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Jeanelle's POV

The boys and I were all watching a movie in the living room. I checked my phone it was 11:30 and I was starting to get sleepy. 

"Hey Dani? I think I'm gonna head to bed now I'm getting kind of sleepy" I say turning to face him.

"Okay love you. I'll come up in a bit" he says as he gives me a quick peck on the lips.

I go up to me and Daniel's room and get under the covers of the bed. Within five minutes I feel myself start to drift off to sleep. 

"time of death 2:34pm" the nurse says to us

"no, no, no he can't be gone" I start bawling my eyes out. 

Jonah comes over and wraps me in a quick hug. I bury my head into his chest and cry for what feels like hours. 

"I know, I know" Jonah says as he sways me back in forth with tears in his own eyes.

I just start crying harder and harder it felt like my lungs were collapsing. 

Daniel's POV

Jeanelle just went upstairs because she said she was tired. She was quite busy today so I told her I was going to be up in a bit. 

Suddenly the boys and I hear whimpering. They all looked at me.

"Is that Jeanelle?" Corbyn asks.

"Yeah I think so it wouldn't have been anyone else since no ones up there"

The whimpers get louder and louder each second as I go up to our room. 

When I open the door it felt as if like my heart has been ripped in two. Jeanelle was shifting around the bed with tears strolling down her face. Her breathing was really heavy as well. 

Oh no I thought she's having a nightmare. I go by her side and start shaking her but she wasn't waking up. 

"Jeanelle baby I need you to wake up" I say trying to get her to wake up

She still doesn't wake up so I shake her a little harder this time. 

"Baby" I say

Jeanelle's POV

I feel someone start to shake me but I couldn't wake up. Tears kept coming, and coming it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

"Baby" this time I feel whatever is shaking me shake me harder. 

I slowly open my eyes and see Daniel there. I quickly embrace him into a hug. Tears keep coming and coming down with no sign of stopping. 

"I need you to breathe for me Jeanelle" 

I couldn't. I just kept shaking and shaking.

Daniel is quick to put his lips on mine. I feel my breathing start to get more normal as he does so. 

After a few minutes my breathing has calmed down but tears are still forming in my eyes. I stay in Daniel's embrace for what feels like hours until he finally speaks up. 

"You okay?" He asks in a soft voice. His ocean blue eyes staring into my hazel eyes. 

"Y-Yeah" I say my lips trembling as I speak.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Y-You passed away. I-I was so scared to lose you. I love you so much I honestly don't know what I would do without you."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here now" he says and gives me a quick kiss on my forehead."

"Let's go back to bed. We can talk more in the morning." he says as he lays me down and wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Can you sing to me please?" I ask hoping the answer will be yes because it always helps me have a good night rest. 

"Of course. What song do you want?"

"I don't mind" 

Within seconds of him singing I feel the familiar feeling of falling asleep

"I love you" Daniel says as he gives me a kiss on my head seeing me fall asleep. 

Author's note:

Hi so here is the first chapter. Honestly I kind of liked it. If you have requests please feel free to message me or write a comment. Also please tell me if you would like the chapters a bit shorter than this or a bit longer or if this is just right so I know what you guys like xx

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