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THE LAST TEN MINUTES of work were always the slowest.

I leaned against the counter, bored to death and trying my hardest not to glance at the clock again.

Everett sat on one of the stools in front of me, chatting to River and Connor about some European tourist who had stripped naked further down the beach before the lifeguards stopped him. I sighed, tapping my pen against the booking's directory and – shit – glancing at the clock.

Nine minutes and thirty seconds to go.

I groaned, leaning back against the counter.

"Isla, you should've seen him." Connor was laughing now, shaking his head in disbelief. "He was so red."

"I'm glad I didn't," I drawled, raising a brow.

"I wish I didn't. I'll never forget those cheeks. So red." River shuddered and Connor chortled, slapping him on the back. He paused, glancing at the clock over my shoulder. "Nine minutes."

"This is the longest ten minutes of my life," I sighed. "I just want to get on the Nauti Buoy and spend the rest of the day in the water."

"The last time we went, you barely got in," River pointed out, narrowing his eyes at me.

I frowned, the memory of Mia and Austin resurfacing in my memory. "It's not as fun when outsiders are there."

"Ugh, tell me about it," Connor joined in, slumping dramatically onto the counter beside me. "Austin is so whipped. He doesn't even realise it."

"He's ditched us every day these past two weeks," River agreed, rolling his eyes. "And for Mia out of all people."

"He could've at least gone for Charlotte. Have you seen her huge –"

"Seven minutes," I interrupted, shooting Connor a glare. "Hopefully he won't bring her today. You did invite him, right?"

"Texted him last night," River nodded. "He said he was free."

"Good," I said, pursing my lips. "Now he won't have an excuse about cancelling or whatever."

We all let out a collective breath. Mia was starting to get on all of our nerves.

I glanced at Everett through the corner of my eye. He was silent, though he listened to the conversation tentatively. I wondered what he thought about it all.

After he'd told me about Emma by the lagoon, Connor had dragged him back into the water, effectively ending our conversation. And I definitely wouldn't be bringing that up again anytime soon.

But I'd thought about it constantly.

Everett was a mystery – a puzzle full of scattered, mismatching pieces that I couldn't quite put together.

I knew scraps about him. I knew about his drinking habit back in New York – I knew he partied a lot, and he smoked. I knew he was forced to come here, and he was cheated on by Emma – and with his best friend, no less.

The image was blurry, but it was starting to come together.

And it only made me more curious about him.

"Two minutes," River said, breaking the silence.

I blinked, realising I'd zoned out whilst staring at Everett. He met my eye, sending me a smug smirk, but not saying anything. I warmed, pushing off the counter and clearing my throat.

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