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"Whoa - o - oh - yeah - a - ahh" The last few runs flow out of my mouth as the thunderous clapping of the audience takes over. I smile at the crowd, waving at them as they go crazy. I try to get a closer look at the judges to see their expression, but then the lights make it impossible to make out anyone's face. The whole stadium is just numerous bright cell phone lights poking from a blob of colors.

The voice of a lady takes over, saying how beautifully we sang (the same words that she said for the last ten competitors) before wishing us good luck. 

The curtains close and then it is just a flurry of movements as technicians, musicians, singers, and many random people I don't know hurry to clear up the stage for the next participants. 

I crane my neck to see Jhonny and Fleur waiting near the wings. They notice me looking at them and I smile, only for them to throw me a dirty look before turning their heads away. How rude. It's not my fault that we are the ones who win this competition every year. 

You see, we have been in this city for as long as I remember (which is very, very long as both of us were born here) and this singing competition is held annually in this town. And since the day both of us decided to join this competition, a single year has not passed where we were not the winners.

Jhonny and Fleur used to be the winners before we joined but afterward... let's just say the winner's trophy doesn't like them very much.

Everything passes in a blur as we get down the stage and into the green room. It takes some time adjusting to dim lights as blue and black spots dance around in front of me. But when I am setteled, I quickly change into more comfy clothes (a white top and floral skirt with a belt and a red jacket) from my most itchy costume ever.

The sparkly hot pink dress lies in a puddle on the couch as I add a touch of makeup on my face before scanning my eyes over the people in the green room for the dozenth time. There is a buzz from the people in the room. The room is almost packed with all of them, leaving only a few spaces for us to breathe.

"He is not here, sis. You should have ditched him the first time I told you to. Would've saved you some trouble and landed you with someone much better." Raj winks at me, his eyes twinkling under the bright bulb above us. I suddenly feel an urge to punch him in the face and wipe out his wicked smirk.

"Fuck off. You are never happy with anyone I choose. You'll just find another way to deem him unworthy. And Mathew is probably just getting caught up in his practice, that's it. He'll come here soon." I try to act casual as my eyes do another sweep of the room. Naturally, Raj notices.

I turn around as if I'm busy folding my clothes but Raj comes after me, he's not done yet. I can hear his frown as he speaks. "Isn't he always? Caught up in practice?" 

I have to say. As annoying as Raj can be, he is also right. Mathew is an amazing dancer and apparently, even best of the best dancers have to practice. Especially when there is a competition coming up. But I would rather die before agreeing that Raj is right.

I try to come up with something to divert his mind when the door bursts open and in comes Mathew.

I breathe a sigh of relief, throwing a told-you-so look before walking off towards Mathew. I can barely see Raj roll his eyes from the corner of my eyes before Mathew engulfs me in a warm hug. He lifts me inches off the ground as I chuckle, pressing a sloppy kiss on his lips. 

"What took you so long?" I ask after he puts me down, his hands wrapped around my waist as I look up at him, a smile decorating my face.

"Oh, just some after-class practice. Shea was extra strict today, trying to make every move look perfect. But I finally got out of there, saying I needed to spend time with my girlfriend first." He looks tired as he sighs. But then he removes his hands from my waist, only to bring both of them up to either side of my face, tilting his head to kiss me. 

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