Chapter 2

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The world is a blur as I grapple around, trying to hold on to anything that is solid. The feeling of a hundred needles piercing my entire body is unbearable as I try to stop the world from spinning around me. Someone is shouting in the distance and there is a thumping sound somewhere near me.

I can't seem to tell up from down or right from left. Black and blue spots dance around me as I close my eyes shut, trying to stop the buzzing in my head which only gets louder and louder by the second.

Just as I am starting to see things a bit more clearly, a pair of strong arms pick me up and soon I'm floating as the buzzing gets louder. There is chaos all around me as people shout one over the other.

"Take her to the car-"

"Bring some water-"

"Call nine-one-one-"

"No! " The cry rings out in the air, piercing through all the other voices. The shriek is inhuman, tearing through my soul with ice-cold hands and ripping me in half. I recognize the voice immediately, ma.

Soon I am lowered onto a hard surface, probably a car seat, and water droplets are sprinkled on my face. Someone fusses around me, trying to make me as comfortable as possible. But I don't want to be comfortable, I just want to know what is happening with Raj. He pushed me out of the line of the car. Is he seriously hurt? Is that why they are calling the ambulance?

The last thing I want to do now is open my eyes as there seems to be a heavyweight pinning my eyelids down. But I open them anyway.

Rohit's face looms over me, his forehead scrunched in worry and his eyes red as he blinks rapidly.

I try to sit up but the world tilts and I fall, only to land in Rohit's waiting arms.

"It's all right. Just – just rest. Everything's all right. You just have to drink some water and everything is going to be okay..." Rohit rambles on and on, his voice wavering in some places as he presses the cool surface of a bottle against my lips. Coldwater follows next, running down my throat which suddenly seems parched.

I drink it all up like I haven't seen water for days now. When I'm done, I push his hand away, looking into his eyes. An unknown dread crawls up my chest, my heart constricting painfully. "Rohit, why are you crying? What happened? Where is Raj?"

I look around faintly for any sign of him but I find none. He is fine, he has to be. I just have to see him to make sure.

"He's going to be fine, Ruj. You just wait here. Your parents are getting help now. He's barely scratched and-"

"I need to see him. "

"No! He's going to be fine. You too. But now you need your rest. You hit your head hard on the road, let me tend to that scratch."

I touch the part of my head where Rohit is pointing and a sharp sting hits me, my hands coming out bloodied.

"No, not now. I just need to see him for once. Then I'll rest. I just have to make sure-" All that I had in mind is wiped clean as I climb out of the car and my eyes land on a body sprawled in the middle of the road. Raj.

My legs are automatically taking me to him against my will. Something shouts in me to stop, but I just can't. My legs keep moving under me and at some point, I find myself running, my eyes seeking Raj.

Both of my parents are on either side of him. Ma looks up at me. I have never seen her in a state like this.

Hair disheveled and her makeup all over her face as tears streak her cheeks and more run down from her overflowing eyes. Her mouth moves but I can only hear the buzzing in my ears.vDad's face is ducked as if he can't look me in the eye.

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