16. Best Birthday Ever

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 Billy wheeled into Jacob's room around 11pm to see Verne slumped over in the chair, her hand touching Jacob. She jumped at the touch of Billy's hand on her shoulder.

"It's late, Verne. You should get some rest, I prepped Rachel and Rebecca's room. I don't think Jake has much space right now."

Verne looked over to the bed, Jacob had to be on his back so the bones set properly and he was definitely taking up most of the room. "But what if he's still in pain?"

"He's asleep. Jake is strong, you need to rest too."

Verne mumbled an okay and followed Billy out of Jake's room. The minute she landed on one of the beds she passed out. Verne woke up a few hours later and headed to Sam's house while Jacob was still asleep.

"How is he?" Emily asked.

Verne sat down at the breakfast table, taking the cereal box from Seth to pour some for her breakfast.

"Still sleeping. It'll be two weeks, and then you should keep him off patrol for another one week."

"Three weeks to heal? I thought he was supposed to heal faster."

"That is faster, Paul. Carlisle said a normal human would take six weeks, minimum... Jake? You're supposed to be at home."

Verne looked to see her boyfriend in the doorway. Jake walked in like he wasn't howling in pain the night before. Jacob sat down, wincing slightly.

"I got hungry."

Verne instinctively placed a hand on his forearm.

"So how exactly do you do that, Verne?" Paul asked, watching as Jacob instantly stopped wincing, only slight discomfort on his face.

Verne shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't even realize it was something I could do till Carlisle said it."

"He said your brothers use it?"

"Yeah, Ed and Jas get very overwhelmed sometimes in rooms with lots of people. Too many thoughts, too many emotions. I'm usually always next to them to help them cope, guess all these years I was calming them. Jake, what does it feel like?"

"Like an overall numbing almost. Not just the pain, everything's slightly lower. Eyes aren't as sharp, food tastes kinda dull. Can't smell shit right now."

"Woah, V. I wanna try."

"I'm not a toy, Embry." Verne rolled her eyes and placed a hand on Embry's arm anyway.

"Dude, my whole body feels numb." Embry took a bite of bacon. "You're right, less flavor."

Verne entertained the rest of the pack with her powers. Any touch longer than ten seconds and they felt all their senses go slightly. Even Emily participated. Leah sat back in her chair after it was her turn.

"Can you spot control it?"


"Only dull one thing at a time?"

"I'm not sure. I could probably if I worked on it. Edward used to only be able to read one mind at time, now he hears a whole room."

Jacob removed Verne's hand from his forearm. "I kinda want to actually taste the breakfast sandwich. I'll take the pain."

"Ugh, your dad and brothers are here, Verne." Paul gagged.

"I thought you guys were starting to get along."

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