17. Breaking Dawn

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Verne woke up to Jacob walking back into the garage with a breakfast tray in hand. He easily closed the door one handed and returned to Verne. She had put his sweats back on and wrapped herself up in the blanket.

"Good morning," Verne said, yawning and stretching.

"Morning. We've got toast and bacon and juice."

He sat the tray down between the two of them and they both began to dig in. This space Verne was existing in with Jacob felt so comfortable, like one she had known her whole life.

"Technically you have one last present. This one's from everyone. Me, dad, your family, the pack." Jacob handed her a small envelope.

Verne set down her piece of toast to grab it.

"Jake what is this? Y'all have already done so much... wait for real? This isn't happening."

She was staring at plane tickets. Two that said San Francisco and two that said Hawaii.

"Carlisle said everyone else has had a chance to go vacation on their own but you always stayed behind with them."

Verne practically leapt onto her boyfriend, almost sending Jacob back as she hugged and kissed him.

"We leave after Bella's wedding."

Verne was watching Bella break in her wedding shoes. She looked like an awkward duck. Verne didn't want to laugh at her friend but she couldn't help it. Heels were not for the uncoordinated.

"I've been breaking these in for three days, I think I should go barefoot." Bella turned to Alice.

"Absolutely not."

"It's just, you don't think this is a little much. The dress, the shoes, all of it."

Verne couldn't blame Bella. This wedding was Alice's dream but Bella didn't really care about all this. Alice spent the day bossing the boys around and making sure everything for Bella's wedding tomorrow was perfect.

Jacob held the small bridesmaid's bouquet of flowers as Verne tied his tie for him. They heard the click of a camera and saw a quick flash go by.

"Seriously? Pictures, Rose?"

"What? You two looked cute."

Jacob handed Verne back her bouquet and she went with Rosalie to go line up for the wedding procession. The ceremony itself went off without any problems. Bella's wedding really did look great. Although Verne probably wouldn't let Alice take over planning for hers, she at least wanted some influence when the time came.

Verne, Jake, Bella, and Edward all took the same car to the airport. Verne gave her brother and friend a hug.

"Have fun you two!"

"Bring me back something from San Francisco," Bella said as she hugged her back tightly.

The Airbnb they stayed at was super close to Verne's old neighborhood. She and Jacob spent the first day buying groceries and settling in. Verne took him all around the city, showing him her favorite old spots and discovering new things that had been put up since she had left. This trip was just what she needed before summer came to an end and she had one more year of school left.

"Verne, I have a serious question to ask you."

She and Jake were walking along the huge pier in San Francisco.

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