Date 1

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{Sunas P.O.V}

Saturday was finally here.

And i'm fucking terrified.

Its not exactly going to be easy to ask out someone who iv hated for 2 years now. But i know i have a good date planned so that makes me a bit calmer.

I know Osamu has an amazing fashion sense so he's probably going to come in something flashy. I normally just wear jeans and a hoodie but i guess i couldn't wear that today. I suppose what i'm wearing counts as casual wear. It was different for me though. I think i look okay.

(that's the outfit !)

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(that's the outfit !)

The date that me and Kita picked was an arcade. I knew he would like it because he mentioned how he would always go there. It was in an argument. I cant fully remember what it was about, i think he was trying to prove that he was more interesting then me? God knows.

Even though i know this is just a dare, i kinda feel like hes enjoying this. I mean he did try and flirt with me yesterday. I know i did it first but it was apart of the dare yano?

I picked up my bag and left the house. I was shaking like hell. I got into my car and started driving over to his. The twins house was 15 minutes away. So i had a little time to freak out before. I tried listening to music, hoping it would calm myself down a bit. But it was no hope.

After what felt like an hour drive, i finally got to his house.I was 3 minutes early. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but to me it did. I felt like i was way to early. Butttt i walked towards his door anyway. He was always late for everything so being early is nothing.

Once i got up to his door. I kinda just stood there. It was like my hand froze. I wanted to knock but my body didn't let me. I guess i'm a lot more nervous then i realised.

Suddenly instead of a door, i saw Atsumu. Standing in front of me.


"I- um. Sorry? Also wtf Atsumu were you waiting for me?"


Before i could respond. I head a voice from behind him.

"This is my date, not yours ye idiot"


I low-key think iv stopped breathing. My eyes widened as i saw him coming out from behind. He actually looked...cute? God that sounds weird.

cute? God that sounds weird

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