t.c [[ DAGGER ]]

414 22 4

T/w: knives, stabbing, blood, cuts, death, angst

"let's end this here".

"what do you mean?", Chaeryeong looked at the boy in front of her with hopeful eyes, hoping that what she just heard was wrong.

"we won't make this. this was never right since the beginning".

"there are only four of us left! That guy from District 5 and the other one from District 9. we can do this!", Chaeryeong held his hands with teary eyes.

"gosh, can't you understand? there will be only a victor in the end!".

"we can change that! Please! I don't wanna lose you".

"Neither do i. But we don't have much choice".

Taehyun grabbed her wrist and drag her to the enormous tree behind them. He pushed her inside, making sure that she's invisible from anyone sight if they ever walk pass here.

Chaeryeong eyed him, she saw them in his eyes. Those terrors in his eyes. Scared of losing her. They have made this far. Can they end this well?

Both of them came from different districts, while Taehyun, the dagger boy from District 1 who everyone scared of being the one of the smartest contestants here, Chaeryeong is just simply a village girl from District 6 who knows well about climbing trees.

They became close after Chaeryeong accidentally threw a dagger, quite off the way, and the tip of it slightly cut Taehyun's cheek during the practice.

Instead of angry, he melted at the sight of the innocent girl, running towards him and wiped the blood dripping to his jaw with her sleeves.

When they were deciding which District they would like to pick as an ally, Taehyun convince his teammate that they should pick District 6. Got opposed, Taehyun promised to protect Chaeryeong in the arena and also told her not to pick up any weapons at Cornucopia in the beginning of the game, and just run straight to the woods while Taehyun took care of everything.

Being gullible as ever, Chaeryeong got caught with a girl from District 3, trying to stab her with a knife while carrying a backpack full of supplies.

Taehyun catch the sight and threw the dagger in his hand, right to the girl's waist, taking her down in one try.

He took her to the woods while she helped him climbing the trees, avoiding to kill any more people as much as they could while defending themselves.

Unfortunately, it's a game, with only a winner.

Taehyun kissed her forehead one last time before running towards the opposite way, leaving Chaeryeong alone.

She hugged her knees, praying every seconds that her dearly boyfriend would come back to her, in one piece, alive.


She heard a canon as a tear escaped from her eyes, signing that another tribute got killed yet again.

Her heart beating faster. She crawled out from the tree. Running as fast as she could everywhere, trying to find Taehyun.

She stopped, feeling hopeless as she couldn't find him. She wanted to shout, but she afraid that she might attract the other remaining tributes.

As she crying silently, she heard someone stepped on some tree branches behind her. She turned around quickly as a knife suddenly got threw on her thigh making her fall to the ground.

With no weapons, she just groaned loudly and close her eyes, knowing that the next bang of cannon fire will be hers.

She heard the loud bang but she closely opened her eyes as she realized she's still alive, witnessing the tribute from District 9 fall in front of her with a dagger on his chest.

Taehyun approach Chaeryeong after pulling his dagger out from the dead body. He ripped off the boy's sleeves and wraps the strips of fabric around her thigh.

She hugged him tightly right away and Taehyun returned her hug.

"I thought it was you", she said between her cries.

"I was close. The guy from District 5 got caught by the rope I hung before he could attack me with his bow. I'm sorry".

Chaeryeong rubbed his back, feeling the warmth of his embrace, feeling ease that she could be in his arm again.

They pulled away from the hug. Taehyun's finger wiping her tears from her rosy cheeks. He tried to smile but Chaeryeong notice that there's force in it.

"I need you to win", Taehyun said with his husky voice, trying not to cry.

"H-how...", She asked innocently.

They're the ones left now. Means that...

Taehyun took out the last dagger from his boot, handing it to her.

"Kill me".

Chaeryeong dropped the dagger. "No!".

Taehyun held his shoulder with his left hand, and picked up the dagger with his right hand. "Take it".

Tears rolling down from her cheek as Taehyun put the dagger once again in her hand. "Please... No....", She pleaded.

Taehyun couldn't stand that side of her and hugs her tight. Chaeryeong felt safe once again and sniffed before realizing what he just did.

She pulled away with Taehyun froze in her arms, trying to hold the pain in his stomach. His knees weakened as he fell to the ground, with Chaeryeong catching him trying to support him.

"Stupid! What did you do?!", Chaeryeong shouted. Taehyun blinked as her tears dropped to his cheek. He held her hands tightly while his sight getting blurry.

"You did well....", He whispered.

Chaeryeong pushed the wound gently to stop the bleeding.

"Please hold it, we've gone through so much together. We can escape from here..", she stroke his dirty cheek.

Taehyun gather his remaining strength and manage to raise his right hand and caressed her hair. He cupped her face and peck her lips.

"I love you so much. Don't forget me", his lips formed a smile before his eyelids closely shut.

The sound of her cries drowned by the 23rd bang of the canon, leaving Chaeryeong the last alive among 24 tributes including her love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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