Chapter 48 - Killer

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I watch over my cute Cupcake as she sleeps snuggled into my chest, just assuring myself that she's here. I have never felt such intense fear as when I got that phone call. I have never felt more... helpless and terrified.

"You just couldn't stay still, could you?" I hear Doc chuckle as he walks in, but I only throw him a quick glare. "Fine, fine, cuddle with your woman while I work. Damn, you and Tank got so annoying after you got your ladies." He shakes his head at me before going to his supply cabinet.

I don't bother saying anything about that, knowing well how 'annoying' it is for the guys to watch me with my Cupcake and Tank with his Treasure. For the longest time, the only couples in the club were Gun and Mags and Eagle and Anna, but now... our numbers are rising.

Quite fast, if I do say so. Over the last few months, we've got three new couples in the club. Soon, the ladies will take over the place.

"Can you let her go for a moment? I need to put her arm in a cast." Doc's quiet voice pulls me out of my thoughts as he stands by the bed with his stuff set on the small table beside him.

I carefully take my arms off my Cupcake and sit up, with her back leaning against my chest. I try to be as gentle as possible so I don't wake her up, and thankfully she doesn't.

Doc quickly puts the cast on my poor girl's wrist, adding a waterproof layer on top, then checks up on my leg.

"Looking good, just don't rip your stitches again." He comments, nodding in approval. "I talked to Lia and she agreed to help Kathie out. But she said she's not going to bathe you." He smirks teasingly. That cheeky witch just had to say something like that.

"Of course she did." I grumble.

"Okay, I'm not going to stay here and watch you two cuddle, so I'm going to leave. You should go back to your room to get some rest... but I'm not sure about letting you carry Kathie with that leg of yours."

"I'm not letting any of you touch her!" I sneer, my blood boiling at the thought of another man's hands on my woman, even if it's one of my brothers.

"I knew you'd say that, so..." He gestures at the door, where I see Blake leaning against the wall. I guess I can agree to this. Blake is Lia's and it's obvious to everyone who knows them that he will never cheat on his woman.

"Fine." I give in with a sigh, getting a nod from Doc before he tells Blake to come in.

The only thing stopping me from blowing up as Blake picks up my Cupcake bridal style and carries her out is the knowledge that he's not into my woman. He's completely loyal to his fiancée.

I'm hot on Blake's heels as he takes my woman to our bedroom, limping badly as Doc helps me walk. I guess my leg is much worse than I thought.

Blake wordlessly lays my girl on the bed then walks out of the room, but not before patting my shoulder comfortingly. "Thanks." I tell him as he passes me, getting only a short nod from him.

Doc helps me walk over to the bed then exits the room, leaving me with my Cupcake. I carefully lie down beside her and once again pull her into my arms, craving the feel of her small body against mine so I know she's still here. She's never leaving me again. She's not going back to her job. I'm not letting her be by herself again.

I don't care that I might sound possessive; all I care about is my Cupcake's safety. It's my responsibility to take care of her and I've already failed her by letting her be alone.

I've got no idea when I fell asleep, but when I wake up, it's to the sound of Cupcake crying. I turn to her, only to see her shaking terribly and sobbing in her sleep.

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