Chapter Eleven

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Christen and the rest of the vampires watched in silence as the new girl went pass them. Oblivious that they were even there. Under normal circumstances they would jump down and begin to scare the shit out of a newbie. This one was different though. They all sensed it. So they just watched, no one daring to move.

He turned his head. Searching to see if Mark was somewhere in the branches as well, but to his disappointment he was nowhere. Christen let out a silent breath. He's gone again, he thought. Mark was his best friend but it was irritating just how often he disappeared. Especially when something interesting occurred. Christen wished he was here, so he too could sense the untamed power that was coming off this girl. Not that he would find her interesting, Christen thought, he never finds anyone interesting. Christen loved Mark like a brother but he didn't understand him most of the time. Christen loved girls where Mark didn't like getting involved with anyone.

He watched as she passed. She glanced behind her a few times no doubt looking for the eyes that watched her every step. The girl stopped right in front of his line of sight, seeming to try to get the courage to continue on. Christen took in the sight of her. She was beautiful with her long red hair and porcelain skin. He fought the urge to jump down and go to her, to caress her and claim her as his but he couldn't. At least not yet, he would not risk scaring her off. She looked nervous but definitely not scared which was uncommon among newbies. It made him want to laugh. Usually his friends and he would scare the girl. Bad enough that she wouldn't ever get this close to their territory again. This girl had nothing to fear though. He would make sure no harm would come to her in anyway.

As the girl walked off Christen looked down at the branch beneath him. Veronica sat there as still as stone. She wasn't even breathing as she too watched the girl with interest. He smirked. They could all hear the slightly fast beat of her heart. If they hadn't fed before, they would all want this girl's blood. Everyone was just as curious about this girl as he was. What they didn't know was that he would do anything to make her his.



Wyatt Hemming had smelt her before he saw her. Her essence filled the air. Her scent was different, strong. She smelt of burning roses and it was intoxicating. He stared at the girl yards away from him and his pack.

He turned away her and looked at them. The eight that made up his pack were looking back at him, wondering what to do. Their instinct told them to go to her and welcome her into the pack like a long lost member, but they didn't. Instead they waited for him to give orders. None of them had ever seen this girl before and they didn't quite know what to make of her. Wyatt could tell every group of the gifted were doing the same. Doing nothing but staring, trying to figure out what it was about this girl that drew them all to her. Even the vampires didn't make a move and that made him all the more uneasy.

Wyatt himself fought the urge to howl and welcome her over but somewhere deep within he felt that would be a bad move. She wasn't one of them, yet in some way she was. It felt as if she connected to them all. Until he knew for sure who and what she was he didn't want the pack near her.

He gaze was firm as he stared at his pack. He couldn't help but smile, he knew that if they were in their animal forms they would be wagging their tails.

"Here's what we're going to do," he said finally, "we're going to stay away from her for now. There's something about her I'm not sure of and until I know what that is I want none of you near her if you can help it, got it?" One by one they nodded their agreement. Their eagerness was gone replaced by disappointment. He almost felt like the bad guy but that's what came with being the Alpha and doing what was right for the pack.

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