14. Love your enemies.

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When Cary was gone, Jon put his face on his knees. The things Cary said stuck in his chest--whatever Pastor Grant said, Jon didn't have answers. Or maybe his answers didn't work anymore because he was too angry to believe them. He didn't know why Jesus' good life was rewarded with a brutal death and he had no idea why Jesus didn't seem to care that Todd was everywhere, on him all the time. When Jon's family had moved, he had foolishly believed Jesus would listen to his prayers for friends and give him a good year in a new place.

But here he was, on the steps of his dad's church, losing his only friend over a stupid youth group event. Jon took a deep breath, shoving down tears. He was not crying at church. He was the pastor's son.

He went to find his dad. Pete's office door was closed. Jon was about to knock when he heard raised voices–one yelling, and his father's, quiet and even as he answered. Jon stepped back from the door and sat on a pew in the darkened church foyer to wait.

After a few minutes, Pete's door opened and a stocky man in a crisp white dress shirt stormed out. Jon knew the names of everyone in the church, so he recognized Todd's dad even though he'd never had the pleasure of meeting him. They seemed to have quite a bit in common.

Jon went and tapped on his father's open door. Pete glanced up and offered him a smile that didn't make it to his eyes. "Hey, how'd it go tonight?"

"I'm ready to go home."

"Okay. Just let me send an email and I'll be right with you." Pete glanced behind Jon like he was missing something. "Does Cary not need a ride home?"

"No," Jon said.

Pete hesitated, then shut his laptop without typing a word. "What happened?"

Jon hunched his shoulders. "He was upset. Grant showed a clip with Jesus dying and Cary left."

"Did you have a chance to talk with him after?"

"Yeah I gave him all the answers I knew." That snapped with more of his anger than he had intended for his dad to hear. Pete was quiet, looking at him.

Jon turned his face aside, afraid his dad would see all the things he wasn't telling him. "So I'll just get my things and we can go?"

Pete was quiet. He always saw too much. "Yeah," he said. "I'm ready when you are Jon."


Kurtis was still in the gym, packing up his guitar and cords when Jon came in to pick up his Bible and backpack. When he saw Jon come over, he vaulted off the stage, shaking his hair off his face. "Hey Jon, missed you at worship practice."

Jon held his Bible against his chest, his face heating. "Sorry, something came up." It wasn't Kurtis' fault his little brother was an asshole. In fact, he seemed oblivious to Todd.

Kurtis stood with his hands in his pockets, loose and cool. "I wanted to ask you—can you play for Friday night with me? Grant asked me to put together a band for the Jr. High event and everyone's bailing on me."

"You want another guitar?" Hope fluttered in Jon's chest. It was one thing for Grant to pay attention to him—he was the youth pastor, he had to. Kurtis didn't have to, and Jon had been trying to make friends his own age at youth group for months.

"I can play bass or keys, whatever," Kurtis said.

"Me too," Jon said.

Kurtis smiled. "Cool. So you're in?"

Jon tried not to let how much it mattered show in his face. "Who's your drummer?"

Kurtis rolled his eyes. "No idea—Todd has basketball. You know someone?"

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