Out of harms Way

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          As the X-Men arrived back at the mansion, Charles was waiting for them in the hangar. Storm landed the jet and everyone proceeded to exit. Logan grabbed Kalista and made sure she didn't try to escape.

"Welcome miss Pellock. I hope you enjoyed your flight"

"I did actually" she said slyly.

"Professor, we got some information out of her that you should know" Storm said. 

"Good. Make sure she's secured while you bring me up to speed" he said as everyone walked inside.

Kalista was put in a room next to Stryker, fastened to her chair. Colossus was sent as a precaution to guard them both.

"Experimenting on mutants and humans... how awful. In any case, you caught them and this whole fiasco is over with. I've already called the authorities and gave them the information that they needed in order to take both Stryker and Pellock away."

"Those two bastards can finally get the hell outta here" Logan said.

"All this trouble because of you" Storm said playfully as she nudged Valory.

"What can I say? I'm just that special" she replied jokingly.

  "That's one way to put it" Logan teased.

"Oh come on, I know you wouldn't get rid of me even if you wanted to."

"Weeeell" Scott said.

Valory gently kicked him as he shoved her playfully.

"All that matters is that you are truly safe now and you can live your life freely" Charles said with a warm smile.

- - - - -

Everyone left, relieved that there were no more threats, as of today at least. 

Valory was sitting by the water fountain, swishing her fingers in the cool liquid. She was recalling her... episode from last night. She could remember the chill of the water embrace her warm skin as she felt the world around her spin out of control like a-. 

She then felt the water get colder. It was starting to freeze over. She looked up as she pulled her fingers away.

"Storm, hi."

"Hey. You doing okay? You look like you're in deep thought" she said as she sat beside her.

"Yeah, guess I am. Have you ever lost someone?"

"Can't say that I have. Jean and Charles died a long time ago, but came back to life. Does that count?"

"In a way, yeah. It still hurt, didn't it?"

"Course it did. Is this about your mom?"

"Yeah, I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't even know if she was dead for sure. I held on to what little hope I had left that my mom was still alive. I don't even know if she had a funeral."

Storm was taken aback. This sweet girl had so many things taken away from her and yet the list added on. She put a comforting hand on her back.

"You know, some people believe that when we die, we turn into a star. It's a beautiful thing and it means that people that have passed are always looking down on us, even during the day."

"During the day?"

"Oh yeah! Stars are light years away, the only reason we see them at night is because they're not bright enough to be seen when the sun's out."

"That's kinda cool" Valory replied.

"I know right? If you ever need to talk about stuff, anything at all, you come find me, okay? I'd love to get to know you better."

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