Target Practice

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Drunken Kiss

Emma sat on her chair, boots on the desk and arms behind her head swaying lightly waiting for Regina to change into her uniform. Emma knew they weren't obligated into the uniform part of the job but the brunette insisted that she should at least wear something accord the uniform and not her slacks with heels. Emma didn't doubt that if the situation rise the brunette would go into full attack mode running with or without heels. Hell, Emma even thought there was a moment when Regina actually did that. Regina adjusted her trench coat. She decided to use the uniforms leather like vest with while she kept her slacks and changed her high heels into boots... With heels.
She placed her badge proudly on the vest pocket and took a deep breath.
"Come on, deputy, Deputy Regina Mills "
She whispered to herself before walking out of the room and took her trench coat hanging it on the hook.
Emma sat straighter, because damn if Regina didn't look fucking gorgeous. As always, well Regina looked gorgeous in anything but that vest made her look classy and fantastic. And sexy.
Regina smirked and posed a little.
"I take your drool that I'm looking good eh? Ms Swan"
At this Emma dried it off and before she could retort the phone rang. Regina zoomed and picked it up, she was really excited by this new job. She was the fucking police!
"Hello Sherif department, Deputy Mills speaking"
Emma's stomach buzzed and then it when between her thighs, seriously Regina as a police. It was the blondes fantasy and the summary of a freaking good porno.
"Well somebody likes their new job"
Said the persons at the end of the line and Regina rolled her eyes annoyed.
"What do you want ice machine?"
"Mayor Snow needs you, like now"
Regina nodded and hang up.
She turn to Emma smirking.
"Mayor calls"
She said simply and Emma huffed getting up and stretching. She picked her jacket and pulled it on while Regina grabbed her trench coat. The walked out of the department, Emma stopping briefly to lock and then they went to the cruiser. Emma felt so bad ass walking like this with Regina because she knew that their powers combined they were freaking unstoppable. Not even the moon could handle this. Emma got into the drivers while Regina was co-pilot.
"Open the gauntlet"
Emma said excitedly and Regina arched a brow but did it anyway.
She took out two sets of cases and gave one to Emma. Emma nodded to it excitedly and Regina opened it to find a pair of aviator glasses, she looked at Emma expectantly.
"We give the deputies one, Graham gave me those when I was deputy, then I changed into the sherif ones and those are now yours"
Emma explained smiling and Regina returned it, feeling so welcomed into this job unlike her job as mayor. Emma turned on the car and turned the radio were 'Back In Black' played loudly and they drove onto Snows office.
And if Emma felt badass before, she felt much more now. Together with Regina head banging to Back in Black drifting through the poor transited streets of StoryBrooke. Try to over ride them, you cant, they're the fuckin' PO-LICE. They parked and got out and for Emma 'Back in Black' was still playing on her head and they walked like they owned the town but it felt like slow motion. As if thinking the same cinematic Regina used her magic to open the door and they made an entrance.
They ignored Elsa and Regina kept walking while Emma made a quick stop and slapped a piece of paper off the desk making it fly. Regina smirked and snapped her fingers making all the papers in the desk fly and Emma speed up her pace to keep up with her partner.
Mmmhmm bitches they were partners!
Meanwhile Elsa threw her hands up, in slow motion, yelling.
"Are you fuckin' serious?!"
The door to Snow's office went open with a swift of magic and in strutted the sherif department finally snapping out of their slow motion epic ness. Regina crossed her arms and Emma took her shades off with a slight hair whip.
"Mayor Snow... You called"
Snow was totally unfazed with a 'are you fucking kidding me face' cradling baby Neal swinging him trying to calm him down.
"Really Emma did you have to walk slow like an idiot and seriously I expect as much from my daughter but from you too Regina"
Regina shrugged.
"Good thing you accepted that idiocy is a family thing"
"Henry has charming blood"
"But I raised him therefore he is 80% percent Mills and avoided the idiocy!"
Regina snarled and it was snow who shrugged.
"70 Mills -30 Charming"
Regina took a step forward.
"80 Mills -20 Charmingp"
Emma finally erupted and then she glared at Regina.
"I'm not an idiot"
This time not only Snow was giving her the 'are you fucking kidding me' face but also Regina.
"Do you really want to go there Swan"
Emma whined again.
"HEY, I'm your boss!"
"Well technically I'm your boss"
Snow jumped in and Emma and Regina glared. Snow smirked as she had won the discussion.
"Yes, I own yo asses"
Regina rolled her eyes.
"Snow don't use that language is disgusting"
Snow recoiled.
"Sorry step mommy"
She said in a small voice and Regina smiled smugly.
Regina 1, Snow youalmosthaditzero.
"Okay, why did you call us"
Emma asked tired from their own stupidity.
Snow perked and smiled at Regina.
"I wanted to congratulate Reg! Oh and that oh, you need to teach her how to use a gun, Emma"
Emma dug her hands into her back pockets and nodded, while Regina paled.

"I still don't understand why? I mean I've got magic Ms Swan! For the gods!"
Emma threw her head back and cursed under her breath. She had drives Regina into a place in the woods that was reformed for target practice by the MerryMen. She had a talk with little john and he let her a sector all for her practice with Regina.
"Regina, you need to use a gun, okay? You would look hot with one anyway"
Emma muttered the last part under her breath so her deputy wouldn't hear it as she settled the metal target, when She was done she cleaned her hands.
"I think you are going to like these, oh and I have to ask you"
Emma paused briefly to se Regina preparing the gun just like Emma told her to. She had left her trench coat in the car and was with her white shirt and leather vest.
"Ah, have to ask you, if you good stamina"
Regina smirked and swayed to Emma and leaned into the blonde's personal space to whisper in her ear.
"Oh believe me when I say, that I got stamina Ms Swan"
Emma gulped and shushed an.
"I know"
Emma recomposed herself from that slight shot of arousal that Regina always provoked her and turned to face Regina. She thought of Regina's touch and the way their bodies moved against each other.
"Okay stand next to the car, that's like 10 meters from the target we'll try from there"
Regina nodded and walked to her spot.
Emma checked on the squared, metallic target and when she was satisfied she walked next to Regina.
When she stood behind the brunette, she gave her a thumps up and Regina pointed the gun.
The gun trembled a little bit as Regina took a deep breath and let it go softly. When she thought she had it, she glared and pulled the trigger.
Regina tried again.
Regina looked at the gun confused and Emma chuckled.
"You got the safe on"
Regina glared at the blonde like it was all her fault and this one put his hands up in surrender. Regina reposition herself and took another deep breath. The gun begun to tremble again and Emma frowned and hesitated a bit before slithering her arm around Regina's waist.
"It's okay"
Regina relax at the sound of Emma's soft voice against her ear. Regina's lips tug upwards and she confidently pulled the trigger of the 9'mm gun.
First came the bang and then the satisfactory, ting that signaled Regina hit the target.
Emma smiled proudly and Regina smirked smugly.
"Almost bullseye"
Emma said before she whistled.
Emma then proceeded to explain to Regina how to change the clip, then the brunette proceeded to shoot the metal. Once Regina got comfortable, Emma set more targets which their bulls eyes where from different colors in tress and standing before setting some small little colored flags. The objective was to run to the color flag and shoot the target with the same color. Regina could hit the targets almost flawlessly but with a gracefulness that Emma couldn't ignore.
"Well, I have a target for you that you might enjoy shooting, let those Evil Queen feels resurface"
Regina arched a brow as she caught her breath. She felt little drops of sweat forming in her forehead.
Emma took out a Disney Snow White life size cardboard doll and set it. Regina let a small chuckled and smirked at the sherif. Emma smiled and held her finger.
"Not done yet, your majesty"
Emma took a red spray paint and gave it a shake, stirring up the paint. With a hand that Regina never suspected Emma to have, the blonde starting to paint a pair of horns on the cartoon. Then Emma drew a mustache and a unibrow.
Emma said the word drawing it out as much as she could. Then she walked to Regina with a huge beaming smile and Regina smiled back with her own much smaller smile.
"Now let that Evil Queen show...dress included if you want"
Regina looked back to Emma with a knowing smirk before looking at Emma up and down making the blonde blush. Regina then focused on the target and closed her eyes to relieve all those years, before the curse and then she gripped those feeling and held to them. She opened her eyes which flashed purples and shoot quickly and precisely.

Bang, tack
Bang, tack
Bang, tack

When Regina turned to look at her teacher she saw Emma gaping in awe.
"Holy shit Regina"
Emma walked up to the target and inspected the bullet punctures. There was one head shot, another on the heart and lastly one on the stomach. Emma frown and questioned Regina.
"Were you thinking, like before the curse"
Regina pursed her lips confused and nodded.
"Yes, why?"
Emma gasped obviously offended.
"Was that supposed to be for me?!"
She pointed at the bullet on the stomach. Regina smirked and laughed, covering her mouth.
Emma slowly broke into a grin and laughed with the beautiful brunette.
"Sorry dear, force of habit"

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