Rainy Days (Kimetsu Academy)

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Requested by: @UwUlordOwO

It was a rainy day, and Y/N really liked these kinds of days, where it was peaceful, and the when the raindrops hit the ground, it made a calming sound.

Opening her umbrella up, she stepped out of her house waving her parents goodbye as it was time for her to go to school.

Stepping around the puddles, Y/N finally go to school, seeing her boyfriend waving to her with a small smile on his face.

She ran up to him excited and hugged him around his waist. He kissed her lips quickly before pulling away. "Are you ready to go to class?"

"Yes, but first I have to give this file to Mr. Urokodaki. I'll meet you there, okay?"

"Oh, alright. See you then. Love you." He gave her head pats before leaving.

Y/N giggled before walking the opposite direction toward Mr. Urokodaki's office.

She slowly opened the door to find him writing something on the chalkboard at the front of the classroom.

Opening her messenger bag, she took the file out and handed it to him. "Mr. Urokodaki sir!"

"Ah, thank you, L/N." He took the file before bowing to her. She did the same and left the classroom.

Walking down the hallway she saw her friend F/N walking with another girl she didn't know.

Hiding behind a corridor, she watched and listened to their conversation.

"You know, to be quite honest, Y/N isn't really a good friend. She always blows me off to study. And when she is not busy, she always hangs out with her boyfriend and never with me. The only time she ever spends with me is at lunch, in between our classes, and the classes we share together."

"Um, F/N? That is quite a lot of time already. I think she spends an equal amount of time with you and her boyfriend."

"Are you doubting me?"


"Good. Let's go."

Y/N felt hurt by this. I thought I already spent enough time with her. She wants more time? But is I have her more, the I wouldn't have time to do my homework and hang out with my boyfriend.

Sighing heavily, she walked away to her first class of the day.

💙During Class💙

Muichiro noticed his girlfriend acting unusual. She was often frowning, and deep in thought, as if something had bothered her.

He decided that during lunch he would ask her what was wrong.


Y/N sat on the rooftop waiting for her boyfriend to come up and meet her there.

She leaned her back against the concrete wall and closed her eyes. Am I a bad friend?

"What's wrong Y/N?"

Y/N opened her eyes to see Muichiro holding a tray of food and looking down at her.

"And why haven't you bought any food? Well, you can eat some of mine."

He sat down on the bench next to her and put the food tray in his lap. "Tell me, what's on your mind?"

"Well, today I overheard F/N talking about me. She said I didn't spend enough time with her."

"But you do almost everyday right?"

"Yes, but I believe she thinks it's not enough."

"Then she isn't a good friend. Don't worry about her. You have me."

He reached out and gently grasped her hand and smiled. "After school today, let's go over to my house. We can have a cuddle day."

Y/N's eyes lit up. "Really?!"

"Anything for you." He gave her a few head pats.

💙After School💙

Y/N packed up her things and looked around the classroom, and saw her former friend, F/N glaring at her from a distance.

She simply ignored her and slung her bag over her shoulder. "Ready?" Muichiro came up to her.

"Yes. Let's go."

"It's still raining."

Y/N took out her umbrella and opened it before stepping outside. Muichiro huddled next to her and hugged her waist to not get wet from the rain.

They walked all the way to Muichiro's house.

Stepping inside, Y/N shook out her umbrella before leaving it next to her bag on the floor.

Muichiro went into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks and drinks, putting them on the coffee table in front of the couch.

Y/N got a blanket and hopped on the couch. They wrapped the blanket around themselves and huddled for warmth like penguins.

"I feel better already, thank you Mui." Y/N kissed him on the nose and smiled at him.

"Anything for you." He whispered and hugged her close to him.

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