Welcome words.

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Hello, as much as I'm so happy to start this ff, welcome! But I'm not sure where I'm sending it.
Ok the story line will include all members of BTS, other kpop bands will be mentioned, other celebrities. Whatever I say here may or may not be real, it's just a story. Every BTS member has their soulmate except for one of them. I don't know much about the kpop or the entertainment industry and how this goes so everything that I mention isn't entirely true , it is just my imagination, I formed it. Like some events and a whole lot. The setting Will be based on South Korea, well most of the time.

It is a soulmate fan fiction, my first soulmate au aside from the werewolf ones. Please, don't steal my work lol, I never mentioned this but I don't have a problem if u develop ideas from my fan fiction but don't take the exact details or else I will sue u to hell 😂.

Ok and everything I'm doing here is entirely my own mind, I DIDN'T COPY ANYONE!

Disclaimer: strong scenes, violence, hate speech, no smut (I'm too innocent), long fanfiction (maybe), insults, abuse, blood , strong language (curses) etc.

I really hope you give it a chance, u will love it, I promise. Feel free to express ur thoughts, I dun bite ☺.


When the sun shines, she was there , when the sky cried, she cried with it, when darkness falls, it consumes her. She is in her own maze, a maze of darkness, an unending sorrow.
She acts tough, inside she's the most fragile thing on earth, they hate her because they see what is out side, she always cared, it hurts but killing herself would hurt more.

She has been sold, given up on, her parents, so called 'parents' have given her out as a money making machine, from a third person's eye, she's a famous model and singer, they wish to have her life but she wishes to have theirs. They must think she's the luckiest but they are rather lucky. They must think she enjoyed her wealth but all that she does with them is to give it to them. No, rather smoothly, they snatch it from her.

She is used, used to pay debts to others, when he thinks he can't pay them, a night with her is all it takes.
Rumors, hate, bad mouthing, loneliness, repulse and pain.

Yes that was her and more of her life. She was depressed and suicidal!

He is an idol, a kpop idol, loved by the world, known by the world, very talented and busy, entangled in a kpop boy band, only to have himself watching the others show love to their soulmates, so much love, so much happiness that hurt him to watch so he snaps, ignores and stays quiet. They think he doesn't want one but in actual fact, he's dying inside without her.

Only to find her and hear the most painful words.
'I don't want you'
He had seen her on TV, read rumors about her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, google and everything social media app. He never paid attention to her but something inside him moves at the mention of her name. However,he ignores it, he wasn't even her fan, that famous girl always has a breaking news about her on the daily showbiz news of South Korea. She looked calmer than they say. One thing he hates was the man, the manager or CEO who always held her hand, in a strange way, he sees the flash of fear when she looks at him but he doesn't think far, maybe it was all his imaginations.
Anyway, it was none of his business.

But as the saying goes 'when a friend's beard is on fire, fetch water beside yours'

He was wrong, her pain became his, within one night, where they bonded by meeting.
Biggest mistake ever.
Now he feels her pain, every abuse, every emotion, every hurt. He dares to ask her but she only laughs and says
'Hahaha , that is how much of a saddist I am, I get into fights, sorry if you feel it but I can't stop getting into trouble, trouble is just me Yoongi, just give up on me, I'm not worth dying for '

During dance practices, the boys will look at him when he grunts in pain and holds his stomach out of nowhere, he'll just give them a fake grin, more like pursing his lips to assure that it was nothing.

'Strange, Yoongi never joked around '

The boys will think.

But littler did they know that, he feels her.

He feels her pain, her everything, he feels it.
And, he's not ready to let go of the rope, never, ever! Even if it destroys him, he won't Let go,  Never.

And that, was a promise.

Story cover by maskedinthelight


I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now