A Flash to The Past

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You sigh and lean into the comfort of the red armchair while massaging your head. Aphrodite's golden hair illuminating this dull backstage prep room. With the entertainment pushed out of it, it's much more personal and quieter.

A room you rather not be in after Aphrodite asked about what you were feeling for a particular god of death that has your mind bouncing off the walls. Aphrodite is studying you as you do this, and you try not to notice but it's making this whole, "what is going on with me", process a little bit harder to handle.

Having the actual Goddess of love hinting to your blooming crush on a god that doesn't have quite the positive record, let's just say, no letters of recommendation are being written for him anytime soon, made you melt. After a few minutes of this quiet brooding and her silent but loud observation she leans forward and gently brushes you hand away from your forehead and runs her thumb over the spot with a smile, before taking both her hands and placing them on the sides of your cheeks using her thumbs to massage the corner of your eyes.

"Come on, stand up with me." You stand slowly and play with your hair a bit, trying to hide your noticeable blushing.

"You do. It's obvious."

Your face grows warm, and it's not just her words. Woah, her whole aura had this soothing jittery feeling about it. You absolutely see why she is the goddess of love. Because you were loving how soft her hands fel-

"Hey" she snaps, "stay with me, head above the waves little pearl" she says with a snicker. Aphrodite locks eyes with you and you nod sheepishly, and her eyes light up.

"Yes...yes you do!"

She bops your nose with the tip of her finger and takes her hands away begins to pace around in front of you hand covering her mouth, her eyes furrowed in thought.

"You see. The thing is I don't understand it!" She stops pacing the sudden stop of clicking from her golden heels drew your attention back to her eyes as she faced you. Her golden hair swinging lazily at her feet, pink and gold illuminating brightly from around her.

"I mean yeah, I often saw you two, talking. At the reunions and the parties." She taps her foot and looks into your eyes. "I mean, back then yeah. I sensed something but, it was so" she pinches her fingers together "teensy weensy I thought it was just basic appreciation but now. Woah, you're coming off loud and clear sister."

"Yeah it seems I have developed a crush." You say as you pull at the sides of your dress in tenseness.

She takes in a sharp breath, "For Hades. The Lord of the Underworld I will add."

"I mean. I don't want to say this honey, but ha... what am I saying? I actually do!" She presses her hands together and shakes them for emphasis.

"HADES. ISN'T. A. GOOD. GUY!" she plots her hands on her waist.

"He prays on the weak and disadvantage. He literally captured all the gods using Titans. TITANS and then proclaimed himself king of Mount Olympus before getting his ass handed to him by Hercules!" she looks down at you with astonished eyes. "Its surprising to me we even allowed him to stay here once we realized he snuck into the party! I mean, Zeus was just about ready to ask him to step out when -" She eyes you up and down with an upset look on her face but it softened as she looked at you longer.

"He saw you and him enjoying each other's company and that, that surprised him" I mean, he already punished Hades...the whole, trapped in the Styx and then the confinement for a few hundred years in that pocket dimension. It made him rethink is action to intervene but your father woah!"

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