𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩

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Theatre edition baby
I'm a theatre kid okay.
I'm in rehearsal rn
So enjoy

Their parts/roles
Carson Techie. Is there because of Josh
Connor Student Costumer/Prop guy
Cooper Stage hand. Is there for Travis and Noah
Charlie The male lead probably. In both straight plays and musicals
Joko Dude sound
Josh Side character for a straight play. Techie for musicals
Junky (I had too I'm sorry) The lead
Mason Stage/House manager
Minx Lead ensemble. Idk what that means but I've been cast as that and now she is subjected to it
Niki She could be a lead for musical. But is too quite so is ensemble.
Noah Male straight lead or musical side character/ensemble. If he isn't casted stage hand
Ted Lead probably
Travis Oh baby is a stage hand. Or he is like the little kid in the show
Schlatt Probably a techie. Reads plays. Oh also probably the student director.
Wilbur Musical Lead and side for straight

Random things

-Cooper and Noah will fuck with Travis off stage to make him break

-Junky is the freshman that is way to good and is also probably everyone's best friend. And has been called the little brother of the company more than he count

-Mason is only in theatre because Joko dragged him to. Now he actually likes it but won't admit it.

-Ted has probably kissed more half the cast. For no reason in particular. But he probably has

-Schlatt loves straight plays so he'll beg the drama teacher to let him direct one. Or like six

- Why do I feel like Techno is probably the drama teacher. Or maybe Phil or Jordan.

-Charlie is a great dancer. Like. Try to Change my mind. That man could probably move if he tried

-Noah is the student choreographer. There is no reason as to why. I just think he probably could

-When Josh and Carson are stage hands everyone apologize and will give Advil to Mason.

-Wilbur will have Niki go over his lines with him opening night. Which stresses Niki when he messes up a line

-Minx has and will scream at Wilbur for eating while they run choreo

-Cooper has audition for Juliette as a joke and got the part. He did end up doing it. But he didn't enjoy as much as being a tech.

-Charlie is the real reason Travis breaks on stage

-Charlie is the best abliber in the entire company.

-Connor has argued with Schlatt that they can't have an penis as a prop.

-Connor shoved his shirt into Travis shirt at one point to give him a beer belly for something. He was shirtless for the rest of the night.

-Junky gave a speech during opening night and it made Joko cry

-Junky also yelled that he'll destroy the middle class in a fight scene

-Minx and Ted are the best at audience interaction. Like Minx will literally yell at the audience to help if she's being captured. Ted will just make weird faces and gestured to the audience

-Minx will yell fuck with her mic on.

-Josh will still be throwing his costume on by the time they yell places and the opening happens

-Carson has tripped Mason back stage which set off a confetti canon that made Charlie yelled "How is it raining inside!?"

-Mason has smacked Joko for telling him what to do. "That's my job bitch!"

-Niki will beg Tommy to come to the show. Wilbur will go up to him after the show and start yelling at him.

-Charlie and Ted are singing Disney songs in the dressing and green room.

-Travis and Junky has played siblings before. People thought they are actual sibling now

-Schlatt has kissed Travis in order to help his character. Travis was a blushing mess. Schlatt called it a success. "It's helping him! That's his character!"

-Connor and Noah will run around the building and do three jumping jacks and then just yell something in a different language as a nightly ritual before the show every night.

-Josh is the one that hides food in his costume.

-Carson isn't allowed to be in the same wing as Mason or Josh anymore because he will laugh loud enough that the audience can hear

-Cooper, Joko, and Noah will do a puzzle during light testing or dress rehearsal.

-Niki has an ouija board. Minx has screamed while she and Niki played it

-Wilbur is the kid who always is the last one to get his mic checked.

-Schlatt is the one taking notes during rehearsals. Doesn't matter if he is the director or not. He is the one taking notes

-Niki has done Carson's makeup when she was supposed be doing her own.

-The only boys allowed in the girls dressing room is Connor and Cooper and none of the guys know why.

-Ted is the person that will either bring enough food for everyone during rehearsal or he will order a pizza if enough people are hungry.

-Tommy, Tubbo, Grace, and Madi are the kids who aren't theatre kids but are always in rehearsal and at every show

Do y'all like these fillers. Because I think theyre fun!
I swear I'm actually writing stuff
I'm working on Height pt 2
And a Connor hs au that is really long
Also thank y'all for like 1k+ reads
Like WHAT thank you
School is a bitch and I'm doing a show updates and writing might slow down
So I'm apologizing in advance
But thank y'all for reading this much

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