Chapter 1: The Beginning

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When It first came to Earth, he thought the planet was a boring wasteland of mortals. They all did the same thing every day. They ate, slept, played, and fought over everything.

Why would Maturin waste his time making such a dull universe? It decided not to question it further as he soon found out that the mortals we're easy food for his endless hunger. All he had to do was watch his prey and use the people that his prey knew against them. He would shape shift into the people that his prey knew and lead them away from their home and into a safe place he knew he'd be able to devour his meal without interruptions.

It knew what was happening when he woke up one day from his dreamless sleep just to be hit with multiple waves of drowsiness. He tried to take a few steps towards the small town he had been using for food, but to no avail.

It groaned as he stumbled to the ground. When he tried to get up, he noticed that his legs and feet had already disintegrated into thin air. It watched as his torso disappeared, then arms, and when the world went dark, he knew he was gone.

Sleep. It hated sleeping. When he slept, he didn't have anything to dream about besides the empty void of darkness. It didn't know why he slept for so long or why he had to sleep at all. He's an immortal God of destruction. He doesn't need to sleep.

Once the long 27 years were over, It finally woke from his slumber in the same woods he had fallen into his deep sleep in. He was filled with hunger, as usual, it's what happens when you don't eat for 27 years.

When It traveled to the small town that he had previously used for food, he found that the town had been abandoned. It could tell the town had been abandoned for at least a decade by the moss that covered most of the buildings and streets.

This is why It hated sleeping for so long. It would have to search out for another town that would be big enough to sustain his hunger before he went to sleep again. One year was all It got. One year and then he'd be sleeping for another 27 years. It doesn't know why he has to sleep for 27 years. Maybe Maturin did this to him. It blamed Maturin for everything that was wrong with him and the worlds It traveled to.

A week after It started to look for a new place to feast on, It found a village, though it was tinier than the previous town, it would have to do. It was hungry. It was so hungry for flesh. It wanted to feel something squirm between its teeth again. It's been so long since it has eaten anything.

It watched the mortals closely from the shadows. It followed a group of them, waiting patiently for them to hopefully split up. It hated waiting for things, especially food, but It couldn't rush.

It watched as one of the smaller mortals walked off. It followed the small mortal around before deciding that the mortal would be his meal. The mortal would be a small meal, but it's better than nothing. It just wanted something to eat NOW.

It didn't have a physical form. It was just a shadow. A shadow with two orange eyes that glowed like the sun and deep in the center in its chest, the deadlights. Three bright orange round objects that spun in a circular motion inside Its chest. They were Its version of a body.

It shifted into one of the taller mortals that the small one was with. It followed the mortal from a distance until the mortal quickly turned around to face It. “I know you've been following me. What do y- Father?” The small mortal came towards him and if it wasn't for how open the path was, It would've already eaten the mortal.

“I thought you were going home with Mother while I take the rest of these pastries to Aunt Cassidy and Uncle Robert... Wait, did Mother send you to watch me again? I told her I could do it by myself this time!” The mortal looked up at him and It stared back.

It had carefully memorized the voices that he had heard in the group of mortals. “Yeah, Mother sent me to watch you. You know she worries about you. There are strange people out here and I don't want anyone taking my little angel” It smiled to itself. The irony was too good.

The mortal smiled slightly before letting out a long sigh. “I know. I just wish she trusted me more”. It wiped away the drool that had pooled in his mouth that had slightly dripped down his lip.

“Well, I'll talk to her okay? For now, lets take these to Cassidy and Robert, I know a shortcut that will get us there before the pastries get cold, alright?” It was so close to having his first meal of the year.

The small mortal nodded and took hold of Its hand. Another thing It hated was physical contact. These lowlife mortals thought they had the audacity to touch him? A god?

It had decided to use an abandoned building as its safe place to eat. Once It led the small mortal in front of the house, the mortal looked up at him, a confused look plastered on their face. “Where are we?” The small mortal asked.

“I just need to grab something from inside. You can come inside if you want... Unless you're too scared?” It smirked back at the mortal. “Of course I'll come inside. I'm the bravest kid in the entire world!” The mortal said as they walked up and onto the worn out porch.

It watched as the mortal open the door slowly and peek inside. “It's dark, but we'll manage” The mortal cheered happily as they walked inside. It bit back a giggle. The mortal had no idea what was coming. It had mostly went for the taller mortals when It first arrived on Earth because they were bigger and better meals, but it's more fun to toy with the smaller ones.

It closed the door behind him slowly, making sure no one had followed them. “So, what is it you need to grab in this nasty place?” The mortal asked as they turned to look back at It only to be met with nothing. “Father? Where did you go?” The mortal asked, a hint of fear in their voice. When the mortal turned back around, they were met with a horrid sight. Their father with bright orange eyes and a smile with rows of teeth.

The mortal stood in fear, too scared to say anything, and even if they tried to speak, only a sob or squeak would come out. “What's the matter? I thought you said you were the bravest kid in the entire world?” It let out a dark chuckle as the small mortal backed up towards the door.

When the mortal reached for the handle and turned it, the door didn't open. The small mortal pulled frantically at the handle, their breathing quickening. It watched the mortals desperate attempts at opening the door in amusement.

After a few seconds, It decided it's had enough. When It slowly walked towards the mortal, boots loud against the worn out wooden floor, the small mortal let out a quiet sob. “Please don't” The mortal begged quietly.

It giggled loudly as it opened its mouth and took off the mortals head in one bite, watching as the body fell against the floor and blood pool around it. It didn't care if he got dirty, he'd be able to just shift out of this disgusting mortal skin suit and into his own shadowy form.

Once It finished eating, leaving no left overs or any evidence of the kill, even though he doubted anyone would come inside the old and abandoned building, he decided he would make the house his killing ground for the rest of the year that he had before he went back to sleep.

And that's what It did every year after he awoke from his long 27 year sleep. Only if It knew that when It woke up in 1558 that everything would change.

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