Why do you care for me?

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I showed him my drawings, he was amazed, I am running out of papers and my pencil is low too, but he promised me he would buy me more, since I'm not able to.

We head back to the 2 story Cabin my parents made for me, when he asks "You looked afraid, shocked, and confused when I told you who took my parents" he says i look down and watch my feet go each step forward, until he stops me "Colby, why were you like that? And why are you avoiding the question?" I look him in the eyes "because..... My family, my Aunt and Uncle..... took your family" I sigh, i couldn't keep that secret long "really?" He has a sad tone to his voice "y yeah its true" he walks forward angry sad, which is worse than mad "wait Blonde boy" I run up to him "what do you want master?" I look at him shocked "why would you call me that?" He stops, hes still mixed emotions "because you are my master, I am the slave... what do you think?! And you dont even know my name, I'm just blonde boy to you!" I walk slowly back a couple strides behind him.
We arrive at the Cabin "you can sleep in the extra room while were here" I point towards the room, I walk towards the kitchen hungry "here I'll make something" he stops me, it's frustrating that he wants to do stuff for me, I can do my own things on my own, I'm not a baby "Fine...When your done that clean the house I'm heading out" I walk towards the door, I didnt mean to slam it, but I did.

Colby slams the door on his way out, I sigh, i ruined it with him, he was the easiest one to be around...and now I probably ruined it, but hey, I had to react that's my parents and family. I walk towards the kitchen, grabbing some chicken, Some potatoes, and ingredients for salad, it's almost dinner so I might as well make dinner. I set the table, and i clean everything i made a mess with, my cooking Isnt bad, but it's not good either, so so I would say. I go around the house cleaning it like Colby asked, I'm cleaning the living room when I hear someone come through the door "Anyone home?" It's not colby, so who is there? "I am sir" I turn the corner "And who are you?" I come into full view, he can see how cheap my clothes are, raggedy, little bit dirty, I am clean though "Your the boys slave aren't you?" I nod "I'm going to treat you like one then, and it looks like hes treating you wrong... Has he Hit you yet?" J dont like this guy, I shake my head no "Speak" oh goody he sure is fun sarcastically  "n no sir" he laughs "who wouldn't want to I mean, you are perfect to be hit" I shrink back into myself, I know what's coming    i hear him laugh more, he hits me to the ground, then kicks me in the stomach "p please sir s stop" he kneels down beside me "oh wittle beeby Sad" he says with sarcasm in his voice, I hear the door open again "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" thank god colby came home, I feel arms go around me, I feel comfort in them rather than betrayal "Boy you dont know what your doing but here" colby grabs something, but I have no care in the world to see what it is, and theres to much pain to move "Thank you now leave!" I flinch at his yelling "I'm sorry" I cry, i don't want him to see though "No dont Cry" he wipes my tears, picks me up, brings me upstairs to the bathroom and sits me on the floor "w what are you doing?" I say, he shouldn't care like this "Fixing you up silly" Its odd having someone care for you after a long time of no one caring "Why do you care for me?" I ask, he thinks for awhile, while he checks the bruises on my stomach, then puts bandages around the cuts on my arms and One on my head " I dont know" he whispers, I sigh, This is going to have to take time to get used to "who was that?" I dont know who it was, but Colby knew who it was... Probably "it was...Brennen" I dont know a brennen, I don't know anybody "Oh... I dont know who that is" he laughs "You probably dont know who anyone is" I laugh a little, but it hurts to, so I stopped half way through it "Careful Blonde Boy" he says calmly, it's nice to be treated like a human being.

I come home to Sam being beat up by Brennen, I bring up to the bathroom, fix him up, he asks questions, I kinda answer them, but I dont give him the full answers, but that their bad, its just he doesnt need to know some of them. I carry him downstairs, into the dining room, I smell food, its smells good, I sit him on a chair, I go to the oven its keeping it warm, I grab 2 plates for me and him, he stops me "No sit" he tells me "I can do it though" he doesnt give up does he? "Yeah but in supposed to do it... it's my job stupid" I give up, i sit back down, the second half of me is winning, the one I dont want to win, but I'm fighting it off, my father wouldn't like it if brennen tells him what I did to the blonde boy, I cared for a slave, a filthy animal, and I'm going to get in trouble but it's worth it.
He brings the food, I look at mine, then i look at his "Not hungry?" He only has a little bit, the ugly parts of all the food, I have the good ones "I I didnt now how much I was allowed" oh "Have as much as you want, you made it" I say putting some in my mouth, it tastes better than the cookes at the castle, he gets up getting more "this is really good, better than the cooks at the castle" he smiles "I mean it... How'd you make it?" I say with a mouthful "My mother taught me how" I swallow my food without chewing it, I feel bad again "I'm Sorry" I say, he has a sad smile this time "Its ok" I nod, i grab some more food on my fork, but I hold it there for awhile "Blonde boy... What's your name?" I want to now it "Sam"

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