The end pt 1

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('Since I'm pretty much two or three chapters away from being done, I might just cram them all in the next couple of days.')



Dina- "holy shit. What the hell is that?!"

She says pointing at the giant red demon in the computer screen.

Alfred- "I've been alive for 59 years. But never have I ever seen something'm at a loss for words."

The cave door open and in cane Jane.

Alfred- "ah mistress Jane. You've been absent lately."

Jane- "did you know about there being a new red x?"

Dina- "get with the program. Now there's a giant red demon terrorizing Gotham."

Jane- "I know. Where's Bruce?"

Dina- "he says he's meeting up with Talia and Damian."

Jane- "looks like the gangs all back together."

Dina- "expect Tim, but I have a feeling we'll be meeting him soon."


Superman- "(Y/n), I'm sorry. You are like a son to me so you know how badly this hurts."

Slade- "he can't here you man of steel. Why not try to get closer?"

Superman turns to the young kryptonian.

Superman- "I'm sorry for what I might do to your dad....."

He flies to the two of them, ready to throw a punch. The two mercenaries jump in opposite direction, but Superman takes a sharp turns and goes for Slade.

Superman- "Kara! Take care of him!"

Kara- "got it!"

She flies to him. (Y/n) takes out two of his swords, ready for her to try anything. Unfazed, Kara just rushes him but he got his chase to strike. Both blades broke as expected, but that was only a distraction. He takes out the blade made of kryptonite and points it at Kara. She becomes weak and falls to her knees.

Slade- "it seems your cousin has seen better days."

Superman watches as Kara was brought to her knees. (Y/n) raises the sword and was about to end Kara for good.....but then.

Moriah- "STOOOOPP!!"

She runs to Kara's aid and stands between the two of them.

Moriah- "daddy please......stop....."

She says. Tears start streaming down her face as she's forced to look at her own surrogate father's eyes. But he looks on unfazed and brings the blade down. It broke and pieces of kryptonite scattered about.

Moriah- "daddy.....please.....stop hurting people."

With what's left of there blade, he goes in for another stab. Moriah, although immune to the effect of the kryptonite, wanted the violence to stop.

Moriah- "I said STOP!!"

An shockwave of radiation wad produced and it blew everyone back. The mask that (Y/n) wore started to crack. The shockwave alerted some other members in the process. Wonder Woman and John Stewart both came down.

Slade- "more of you? This could be a problem."

Superman- "Diana, get Kara out of there!"

She nodded while dragging Kara away from the millions of shards of krytronite.

Wonder Woman- "you ok?"

Kara- "been better. But it certainly beats being in bed with Barry."

The two chuckle as Wonder Woman get up. Armed with a sword and shield, she faces (Y/n) not knowing it was him. She rushes him but is stopped by Moriah who grabs her leg.

Moriah- "don't hurt him."

Wonder Woman- "but he's the ene-"

Moriah- "don't hurt my daddy!"

Her eyes widen and she looks to the still grounded figure. Slade uses tha kryptonite grenade on Superman and laughs.

Slade- "hehe, the child speaks the truth. But go on ahead. Kill him."

(Y/n) finally got up....still disoriented, he stands back up ready to fight. But a special item catches his eye. And item that could end all of this just as quickly as it started.

Slade- "I knew that would come in handy at some point, I let you keep it."

He smiles, seeing the white lantern ring on the ground. Free of use.

('Before your get all dorky with me, let me remind you. The black and white lantern rings don't require emotions to power. So you can put one on and do as you wish.')

He runs to it. But is trapped in a construct cage.

John- "can't let something like that go free of us- what!?!"

With willpower that surpasses that of a green lantern, he walks right out of the cage.

('Lobo did it so fuck you.')

He runs to the ring again. But Wonder Woman comes right in the nick of time and pushes him off course.

Wonder Woman- "Moriah! Take t he ring and go!"

She picks the ring up and leaves with it. (Y/n) watched almost in disparity as his last hope of victory had just left. He gave Wonder Woman a death glare and rushes her. She swung her sword just barely close enough to cut the mask off. It fell apart and it exposes (Y/n)'s face. Blackened eyes and veins coming from the left. But now, a scar was left from her sword that spread from cheekbone to cheekbone, completely unhealable.

Wonder Woman- "by Hera's name. What has he done to you?"

He stared daggers at her and proceeds to attack her. But he gets hit three different times but what is assumed to be a red blur. The attacks continue as the demonic mercenaries is registered immobile. Flash stops and smiles.

Flash- "how's that for an entrance?"

Wonder Woman- "there could've been better ways to stop him."

Flash- "oh well sorry I wasn't the one who gave him a permanent scar. He's still a kid you know."

Wonder Woman- "yeah I know....I'm not all sunshine and rainbows about this either. Let's get him back to the hall."


('Remember the whole Gotham knights thing I talked about? So apparently, the younger looking robin is Tim Drake.....yeah.....I had no idea because the costume for Tim and Damian are almost since I'm an unapologetic person, I'm gonna whine about how Damian isn't in the game.......

Also, DC managed to ruin Wonder Woman even she's a 21 Century feminist..🩸🩸😑 💥🔫')

Bye bye

My kryptonian daughter (technically complete but is being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now