Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.

Tori shut the door behind her as she walked out of her room, with her backpack on her shoulders, and her phone in her pocket. Her brother began to follow her around the house as she got ready to leave.

"Guess what, honey?" Tori's mom called for the kitchen as she prepared for breakfast. Tori stopped what she was doing.

"What is it?" Tori asked.

"Your father and I wanted to surprise you with this information, and since it's your last day before school, we thought now was the perfect time!" She paused before continuing. "Your brother will be going into his first year as a student in the same school as you! Isn't that exciting?"

Tori froze but gave a fake smile. It's not that she didn't want Ben to go to the same school as her. It's just that, she wished that maybe the gene skipped him. If anything happened to him, Tori wouldn't know what to do.

"That's great!" She lied. "But I really should get going. Ryan said that he would pick me up and we could hang out before school starts up."

"Ooh! Tori's going out on a date!" Ben yelled from the other room.

Tori blushed and tried to cover her face with her sweater sleeve. "Its not a date, Ben!"

"Sure. Whatever you say." Ben replied as he strolled into the kitchen.

"Well, I'm going to go now. I'll see you later!"

* Time Skip*

Ryan walked down the sidewalk towards the pizzeria where Tori had agreed to meet him.

He pulled his hood over his head as the wind stung his ears. Pushing open the door, he saw Tori sitting at a table with the food already ordered.

"Hey, Tori! Sorry that I'm late."

"Your not late. I'm just really earlier." Tori gestured for Ryan to come sit next to her.

The two friends talked about how their summer was and about school starting up in a few weeks.

"Your not going to believe what happened today." Tori sighed. "I just found out that my brother is coming to Life Academy too."

Ryan smiled. "That's great news!"

"Well, I was kinda hoping that Ben wouldn't get an invitation. I didn't walk him to get involved with all other this." Tori made a waving gesture.

"Oh. I see what you mean." Ryan trailed off. "But, I know he will be fine. He has you as a sister!"

"Tori smiled and took a sip of water. "Thanks, Ryan. That mean a lot to me." She took yet another sip. "So how have your, you know..." Tori leaned in a quilted her voice. "Powers come along."

"I've actually made a lot of progress. But it's honestly really hard and frustrating at times. I don't have a lot of room or time to practice, wince my mlm on doesn't even know about this yet. It's like learning to ride a bike, even though you know that you have already been able to do it." Ryan whispered back to Tori.

"Just remember. You always have your friends you can rely on."

"Thank you, Tori. I don't know what I would do without you." Ryan looked out the window. "So, how have you been coming along?"

Tori suddenly perked up. "Your not going to believe what I realized!" Ryan was taken back. He didn't expect her to be so enthusiastic about it.

"So, I was thinking. My rune. It isn't just a healing rune. I don't know why we never went over this in school, but doesn't my rune also deal with plant life. I was thinking, what if I do have offensive moves, and I just never really bothered to explore the idea! It would be game changing!"

"Thanks awesome! Imagine the possibilities!"

Ryan and Tori finished up their lunch and left the restaurant without much more eventful news.

The walked down the city streets, passed the huge apartments and shopping centers.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they heard screams coming from around the block, and smoke over the top of the buildings.

Ryan turned to face Tori. "What should we do?" Ryan yelled.

"I don't know, but we have to do something!" They began to run towards the smoke. A huge fire engulfed the building. The firefighters already were on the scene, but they weren't getting much done.

A latino girl could be seen on a balcony a couple stories up. She screamed out for help, but no one could here her.

"What if I just get rid of the fire, you know like in the tournament two years ago?" Ryan asked Tori.

"But, there's so many people here. Its bound to get on the news!"

"Theres someone up there, that needs help. We can't just leave them!"

"Your right. I'll watch and make sure no one is looking our way. Just. Just be careful Ryan."

Ryan nodded and closed his eyes. His rune activated and Tori could see the strain in his expression.

If he didn't do this fast, he might loss control.

As Ryan let go of the breath that he didn't know he was holding, the fire dissapeared, along with the smoke.

Ryan deactivated his rune and fell to the ground. Tori sighed. She reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Hello. Is this Ryan's mom?" The women on the other side of the phone replied with a yes.

"This is Tori. So, how do I saw this. Ryan passed out, and I think I should bring him to your place. Only problem is that I have no idea where you live." Tori raced out in one breath.

Ryan's mom told Tori their address and within a few minutes, Tori was walking through the doorway with Ryan on her back.

"Is he okay?" Ryan's mom asked. Tori nodded. "I think he'll be fine. He probably just needs some rest." With the help of Ryan's mom, Tori gently placed him on the couch.

"Thank you so much for calling me." Ryan's mom said.

"Its no problem, but I should probably get going. Can you tell Ryan that I said bye?"

"Sure thing."

"Well, I'll see you around then. Have a night rest of your day!"

"You too!"

Tori walked outside and got into the driver's seat of her car. (A/N I don't know if they can drive yet, just go with it) As she drove down the highway, she couldn't help but hope that Ryan would be okay.


Ahh. Please don't kill me!

I'm sorry that this took so long to get out, but I hope you enjoyed.

Please don't forget to...



And Follow

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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