Chapter 3

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[ III ] Chapter 3

        "No, no no no no no." I muttered the same words in quick succession while jabbing at the air while I pointed my index finger at Caius. "I spent nearly two years or God knows how long it was, getting away from you. I'm not going back. Nope, not wasting all that effort." I took a step backwards and Caius stepped forward almost threateningly. Was he really expecting me to go with him quietly? Yes.

        "Isn't there another way?" Rosalie intervened, her voice laced with desperation.

        "No." Aro and Caius spoke at the same time, in the exact same tone. It was frightening to say the least.

        Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Edward move towards Rosalie. Hell naw, step away from her. He took her arm gently and I could barely make out his words. "Let her go, Rose." People. I'm not dead. Quickly forming a smart plan, I bent down to the ground, ignoring the curious glance from Aro and created a snowball. I compressed it tightly so the soft snow was morphed into hard ice. I smirked at my masterpiece and turned towards the Cullens and the witnesses.

        This wasn't going to kill him. Just a bit of pain in the head. Tossing the ice ball around in my hands, I ignored everyone else around me except for my target and chucked it at his head as hard and fast as my arm allowed it.

        The snowball sailed across the field and hit him square in the temple, causing his head to jerk to the side. Rosalie snorted, holding in her laughter. "People. I'm not dead. Stop telling each other to," I did a poor imitation of Edward's voice. "Let her go. Seriously. It even makes me think that I'm dead." Edward turned and glared at me with open hostility and I raised my brows at the violence dancing in his eyes.

        "Oh no, dear Edward. Don't want to do anything to scar your daughter's eyes." I cooed venomously. 

        Aro's voice behind me startled me as he gave a low chuckle. "As much as this provides us amusement, we must return to Volterra." He glanced at Felix who darted forward in the speed of light and took hold of my arm tightly; meant for keeping me in place.

        My reaction was delayed because of the shock, but, when I got back to my senses, I struggled against the big burly vampire. When I realized he wouldn't budge I sagged against him with a resigned sigh. I saluted the Cullens like a drunkard. "Have fun. Oh Garrett." I noticed him holding a blonde woman possessively and I raised my brows inquisitively.

        He grinned goofily and shrugged. I groaned. Everyone was getting their mates nowadays. I shook my head wearily and Aro grinned maniacally. The guard dispersed, becoming one with the trees and wind. Then the Kings took off while Felix and I followed more slowly with him tugging on my arm.

        When we were out of view from the Cullens and the witnesses, I hopped onto Felix's back. "What are you doing, Miss Genevieve?" He rumbled gruffly, yet he reluctantly held onto my thighs to keep me there. 

        "I'm not going to move at all, all the way back so I'm getting a ride." I explained simply, as if I had solved the greatest math problem of all time.

        I could almost see Felix rolling his eyes and we darted off. I never knew he was this fast. We blurred past trees and when I thought I would die of boredom, we eventually caught up to the three kings who seemed to be trailing some distance behind the guard.

        By that time, I had closed my eyes and rested my chin on Felix's shoulder, allowing the wind to slap me in the face. "Is something the matter with Miss Genevieve, Felix?" Caius' snarl was threateningly close to me and I popped my eyes open to see the king running alongside us.

        Before the large vampire could answer, I glared at the king. "No. There is no problem with me, Lord Caius."

        Caius narrowed his eyes with a soft growl before drifting away several paces ahead. It really amazed me on how graceful the Old Ones were. Vieve, they're over 3000 years old. What do you think? 

        I rolled my eyes at my subconscious. I didn't want to listen to her right now. She was celebrating because she thinks we've got Caius back. Hell naw, it's not that easy! He has a wife that he's had for 95% of his life. It's going to be hard for him to divorce his wife.

        "Miss Genevieve, please loosen your grip on my neck or I fear that you will behead me before we get to Volterra." Felix suddenly grumbled as he shifted his hold on my thighs. Gasping, I loosened my hold and Felix glanced at me with a small smile. "I appreciate it."

        If I could, I would be flushing madly. "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts."

        "I could tell."

        "You got a new hairstyle?" I questioned after a moment for entertainment purposes. Instead of his shaggy mane that fell carelessly down his forehead, he had some sort of military buzz-cut.

        Felix snorted. "No, I did not cut my hair."

        I brightened at his tone and suddenly started wiggling in delight, causing him to tighten his hold on my inner thighs. I didn't care though; I had made a new discovery. "You know sarcasm!" I cheered.

        The vampire beneath me knitted his brows together in confusion. "Why would I not?"

        "You Volturi guys are old stuff so I wouldn't know if you did or not. You guys are always so formal and straightforward." I giggled. "Oh, the first time we met you were so arrogant though—"

        "May we not discuss this topic?" Felix grumbled, I climbed higher up his broad shoulders and dipped my head down so I was looking at the right side of his face. He was frowning slightly and I grinned as I realized what the expression meant.

        "Aw, wittle Fwelix is embwarrassed." I cooed and Felix snapped his teeth near my face playfully.

        "Miss Genevieve, I advise you do not start teasing him, else he will run into a tree. I do not wish for any setbacks." Caius snapped over his shoulder. His words were accompanied by a scathing glare directed at Felix.

        Rolling my eyes, I settled back down on the broad shoulders of the older vampire. "Cocky Royal Ass." I muttered under my breath. Unfortunately, my head was tucked in between Felix's shoulder blades so he could hear my words quite clearly. He snorted again, trying to control his laughter, and looked away when Caius turned around once more.

        So, I just settled on my own thoughts as I watched the scenery fly by. Let's see. . . See what? Caius? Caius without a shirt on? Ooh I know— NO! I screeched mentally, horrified that her words had escalated that quickly. Not Caius without a shirt. Nothing that has to do with Caius! Shut your mouth! Ookay.

        I bristled. Sometimes, I really want to smack my subconscious for real. With a frying pan. Like that character in . . . what was that book slash movie called again? Lord of the Rags. . .? Lord of Rings? Oh! Lord of the Rings! The adorable Samwise Gamgee. Except, I'm you. You're me. She stopped my thoughts and winked flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes at her.

        Would Caius look good without a shirt though. . .?

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