Chapter 2

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[ II ] Chapter 2

        "Ow. Goddamnit Carlisle." I hissed sharply as I rolled over to my side to stand up. I rotated my shoulders while the doctor stood up, sending a stunned glance towards me before his attention shifted back to his daughter being held by the Volturi. Good, you've come to your senses, Carlisle.

        "Genevieve. Oh, aren't we glad to see you. You've been a naughty girl." Aro tsked in a jovial manner, which was obviously fake, as he dusted a speck of dust or snow from his extravagant coat.

        I sent a glare directed at the Volturi King and tilted my chin upwards in defiance. "Let Alice go." I stated bluntly, ignoring Jane's small growl and Alec's spread hands. I didn't give two shits about them. 

        Aro sighed as he placed his fingertips together and brought them to his lips. "I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see, her gift is very valuable." His crimson eyes flashed with some unnamed emotion. "I do not think there is another seer in the entire world."

        "Genevieve is one with Knowledge. You can take her." Edward spoke up and I turned my head slowly to look at him; enraged that he would offer me to save his sister. My resolve to murder him just grew a thousand times stronger.

        I smiled sweetly at the mind-reader. Oh I hated him so much. "Thank you Edward. Expect your head to be torn off in the next 24 hours." I snapped.

        Edward just stared at me nonchalantly and I barely restrained myself with the intent of going over there to tear his miserable head off his shoulders. The only thing holding me back was the Volturi Kings and the witnesses being present, oh, and Carlisle's restraining hand on my arm. "Goddamnit, Carlisle." I repeated under my breath, my eyes locking with his confused ones. "If he wasn't your son, I'd kill him."

        Carlisle spared me a half-smile, his tired eyes sparking with amusement. "Thanks, Genevieve."

        "Is Renesmee safe?" Isabella inquired boldly. I looked her over. So she wasn't all mortal ugliness anymore. I approved; Immortality has done her well.

        "That remains to be seen." Aro replied as he glided back to his place beside Marcus and. . . oh shit. Caius. The king was point blank staring at me with a small glare. I raised my eyebrows. He has the guts to glare at me after he played me?

        I scanned over the Volturi line, wondering if he brought his wife with him. He did. She was standing next to a fearsome-looking guard—most likely assigned to her with the courtesy of her husband. Ouch. The thought still hurts.

        "Genevieve can justify that Renesmee is not a threat." Edward persisted, backing his wife

        Before I could make a retort, Aro grinned and lifted his hand in a beckoning manner towards me. "I'm not taking one step towards you." I crossed my arms under my bosom as I watched Aro's grin slowly fall off of his face and Edward's slight growl.

        "Genevieve. . ." Carlisle whispered in warning and I raised a brow at him. Was he actually expecting me to follow Edward's orders? "Please?" He begged silently. I had a moment of thought, looking at the doctor. He is my old friend, no matter what, and I knew that if I did not justify his family, they would be slaughtered in cold blood. Not that we had any blood.

        Including Rosalie, my BBFL. I looked up into her proud golden gaze and she shrugged helplessly with a frown on her beautiful brow, saying that either way, it was my decision.

        Closing my eyes and rubbing my temples, I snarled at the complication about everything. Caius. Rosalie. Edward. Carlisle. They were all factors of my eruption. "Okay. Fine, fine! Goddamnit." Turning away from Carlisle, I strode to the kings without any hesitation. In reality, my insides were twisting and turning in fear, warning me to turn around and flee; but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of sensing the fear. No, if they were going to kill me, I'd do it with my head held high.

        Once I stopped in front of Aro, I stuck out my hand. Immediately, he took it. "You chose the right path, Miss Genevieve." He murmured in a husky tone just as his eyes glazed over.

        I took this chance to look at Alice who was staring at me with an apologetic look. The little bitch. She knew the outcome of this whole ordeal and it would involve me not moving from this spot.

        "It appears. . ." Aro finally breathed and my eyes locked onto his. "That the child will not be a threat."

        "What." Caius snapped beside him as sighs of relief sounded behind me. He took two long strides forward so he was standing right beside Aro. His close proximity made me shudder slightly and Aro looked at me knowingly. 

        Ignoring his brother, Aro signaled the guards to release Alice and I used my free hand to pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. This exchanging thing again. You better be happy fuckward. You get your sister back. I looked over my shoulder to see a smirk on Edward's face. Let me kill him. Someone grant me permission to rip his head off. "Such violent thoughts." Aro remarked and I jumped, forgetting that my hand was still in his.

        Caius glared at Aro; obviously frustrated that he couldn't read my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and tried tugging my hand back but the king didn't loosen his grip. I watched as Alice half ran to Carlisle who embraced her in his arms tightly. Jasper, who I didn't notice until now was also released and he followed after his wife more slowly.

        Suddenly, I just wanted to throw myself into a fire. Everything was just too tiring all of a sudden. Confronting the Volturi for people who didn't care, saving the exact same people, heck even standing was too tiring. My emotions must've effected Aro as well. His face was contorted in weariness.

        Now the Cullens were embracing each other as if they weren't going to see the light of another day. I rolled my eyes at their dramatic performance and my patience snapped. "Yes, yes. That's all very sweet of you vegetarians. Can I just remind you all on the fact that there's an army of vampires ready to kill you standing right behind me?" I hissed.

        Alice pulled away from Isabella almost reluctantly. How dare she? I restrained my scream of irritation and instead just tried pulling my hand away from Aro's. Surprisingly, he allowed me to retract my hand without a struggle.

        "I will not slaughter you all under one condition." Caius' voice surprised me, when I directed my eyes at him, I saw that he was staring at the group backing Renesmee and the Cullens. I dreaded his next words.

        "Genevieve comes with us."

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