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In the manga, Rin was reborn and in one of Kato's art pieces of the series, Rin is slightly taller than Yukio. Yukio is 5'9, so I'mma guess Rin is around 5'10. He went from smol to tol real quick and now Amaimon and Shiemi look rlly short standing with Mephisto, Rin, and Bon 😂. I'm also having Bon grow a couple inches bc he's still a growing teenage boy, so he went from 5'9 in the beginning of the year to 5'11 by the new year. Enjoy the story!


Rin was comatose for six days. He woke up at six in the morning on the sixth day.

During that time, Mephisto was able to keep the incident quiet. He called Shura in to inform her of the situation and stand guard over Rin. Bon, now the only master of Karura, decided to use the time spent waiting for his boyfriend to wake training his Tamer abilities with the demon.

At one point, he asked Karura about ways to gain immortality. Karura told him that if Todou's body wasn't destroyed completely, he would've lived forever since Karura was the Phoenix.

"Is there a way for us to merge into one without me eating you?" He asked next. Karura paused, thinking. "If I channel my power into you for you to use, you'd get used to having the powers until we were one being. You'd have your original identity as Ryuji Suguro, but you'd have a second identity and your own Ego for Karura the Phoenix. Is this you asking to merge, Ryuji Suguro?" Karura answered.

"It would be convenient, so that's a yes. Will I still look normal or will I change like Todou did?" Bon wondered. "You'd most likely have the less pronounced features that your lovers have. Todou was using my abilities to look younger. He used those features as a show of power for any who might have challenged him." Karura explained to him.

"I'm fine with that. You don't mind merging with me?" He questioned suspiciously. "You are a healthy host and you know what you want. You are honest to yourself and loyal to who deserves it. You are the most worthy human I can find to grant my immortality and powers that is compatible with my abilities. Your body is already well trained as well, so we can start now, if you'd like." Karura said honestly.

So Bon started training with Karura's powers. He wondered if Rin would be able to teach him how to control the fire attacks when he woke up.


Amaimon often laid next to Rin, keeping him secure and warm in his arms in the bed. He could feel Rin's love for him reach out, as if to comfort him whenever he began to worry about the boy. Rin was responding more and more on that front. It gave Amaimon hope he'd wake up soon.


When Amaimon wasn't with Rin, Mephisto kept him near. The Time Lord was obviously distraught and always wanted something familiar around him. He was snappy whenever anyone came in to disturb him and kept Amaimon in his lap while he signed papers. Amaimon obediently cuddled into him and stayed silent, sucking on his lollipops absently.


Shura was the only person around when Rin finally opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He blinked a few times and laid still, taking in the room around him. This felt like deja vu. For what? What was happening? What had happened before he blacked out?

He struggled to remember, closing hsi eyes as he did so. Then, it all came back to him–Koneko and Izumo, the Salamanders, exorcising the demons, then Todou. They'd been fighting and Todou had struck too hard and broke Rin's sword. There was a a moment of pure panic that seized Rin's chest and he felt like he couldn't breathe before his flames seemingly turned on him. He'd burned. He'd burned until he was nothing and felt it the whole time.

He shuddered and gagged at the memory. Thankfully, nothing came up. As a matter of fact, he felt very empty. His stomach growled and he sighed. Shura came into the room, back from her bathroom break, to see Rin looking at her from the bed. She gasped and lunged forward, throwing her arms around him.

"Rin! Is it you?!" She grasped his shoulders, pushing back from him. The boy frowned.

"I....think so?" He tried. His throat felt like sandpaper and his voice was a mere croak when he spoke. Shura rushed to get him some water. "It's only been about a a week. Are you okay? What happened?" She asked worriedly. She was hugging him to her chest again, tucking his face into her neck and running her fingers through his hair to untangle the knots absently.

"I'm....I don't know. I'm still me. But I'm different now. Does that make sense?" He muttered into her neck uncertainly.

"Okay. How are you different?" She wondered calmly.

"I have new Titles. I'm....I'm a King, Shura. A King of two things." He answered. "Two things?" She repeated incredulously. "Well, what are you the King of, Rin?"

"Demon King of Love. Makes sense. I can....I can see all the bonds between people. Me n' you have one that's kind of a salmon color. And I can tell you see me like a little brother." He said, smiling softly. Shura nodded.

"And what else are you the King of?" She persisted.

"Tartarus. It's the Core of Gehenna. And the rightful ruler. Satan overtook the guards that were protecting it and overrided Tartarus' rule. I gotta go there and take it back. But it'll be hard to get to, since Satan's hiding it." He sighed heavily. Shura tried not to let her shock show as she continued petting his hair.

"Do you want me to go get everyone? They've all been really nervous. You gotta show them that you're still you, okay?" She told him seriously. Rin nodded and she left the bed to retrieve Rin's boyfriends and friends.


There were tears and a lot of hugging during the reunion. Rin was honestly a little overwhelmed with the affection. He wasn't used to the new powers. Being the Demon King of Love boosted his empathy and he wasn't used to that much input.

Out of reflex, he hunched his shoulders and moved away and a pink shield flickered around him, solidifying and pushing everyone away from him. He looked at the shield in shock.

"Ah, we've overwhelmed you. Sorry, Dearest." Mephisto sighed. Rin gave a strained smile. "Sorry, I'm...." He shook his head. "I don't know how to control any of this yet. It's so much power all at once and I don't know how to regulate it yet. Or how to get rid of it." He frowned in concentration and the shield flickered away.

Mephisto hummed in understanding. "Would you like me to seal them? You can train and I'll slowly release the seal until you can control and regulate all the power." He offered. Rin nodded. It took them twenty minutes and the seal consisted of two daggers, two murmured chants, and two enchanted dagger sheathes.

When it was done, Rin's shoulders dropped and he collapsed back onto the bed, releasing a big breath. He smiled up at his boys, looking incredibly relieved. "It's honestly ridiculous how tired I am from literally waking up and letting someone seal away powers I couldn't control." He laughed. He opened his arms and all three of his boyfriends crammed themselves into his embrace. Rin smiled warmly as he felt their love extend to cover all of them. All three planted kisses wherever they could and Rin chuckled.

"Ugh, you guys are so sappy!" He heard Izumo complain. "I think it's sweet...." Konekomeru put in quietly. "It's both sappy and sweet. Come on kids." Shura steered the two out of the room.

The foursome cuddled and ate food and slept in the bed for the rest of the day, just happy to be all together and to have their Rin back. 

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