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I gave Gilbert a look, before he shrugs as the knocking increases, becoming more like bangs.
With a flick of my hand the door swings open, causing a familiar figure to tumble in.

"Bumpkin! There you are! Been lookin' for ya all day." Cheered the voice causing me to cringe at the nickname and at the figure, himself.

There laying on the floor was none other than Jupiter Owens. His dark skin practically glowing with his pink hair messy as ever. I don't even have time to blink before I find my vision to be filled with yellow and my breath stolen from me as he gives me a hug. I shove him away just as his chubby housemate enter the carriage.  He waves politely.

"Hello." Gilbert spoke as he scooted allowing the bigger boy to sit with him. I'm about to yell at Jupiter for space but my voice is caught in my throat when a third figure appears by the carriage door.

"Madeline!" I squeal, a beautiful girl with a blank face stared calmly at me as I shoved Jupiter on the floor. He yelps in surprise as I pat at the now empty spot.

"Sorry. Jupiter dragged me with him to see Oliver." Madeline says, stepping over Jupiter's pouting form. She tugs on her blue neck tie, loosening it.

"Forgiven for now- I suppose." I giggled, glancing down at the now fuming boy on the floor. His face pulled in a sour expression as he looks up at me. Rolling my eyes, I leaned forward towards him, one hand cupping his cheeks.

"And I suppose I'll forgive you too, juppy, As long as you have a gift for me?" I asked, letting go of his face. The boy huffs but takes the small spot to the left of me, squeezing in to with a gasp. 

"Do you just want me for gifts? Is that all I am to you?" He asked, pulling my hair. My elbow made contact with his stomach making him let go.


"Awful truly awful." He whines as he unzips his yellow fannypack.

"My gift?" I asked holding out my hand.

"Here." Jupiter begrudgingly hands me a small bag of cookies. They smelled delicious and still felt warm.

"My favorite cousin." I cooed, linking my arm with his. Jupiter rolled his eyes with a lopsided smile. I plopped one of the mini cookies in my mouth. Sweet chocolate danced on my tongue just as the carriage started to move. I offered the other members of the carriage one, everyone but madeline accepted.

Closing my eyes i lean on Jupiter's shoulder while he rambles to the others. I felt all my negative emotions fade with one sniff of citrus and spices.  His mellow voice talking about the most idiotically nonsense with Madeline's soft acknowledgments.

'This is a comforting environment'

I thought, opening my eyes to look at the people around, beside Jupiter's friend , i  cared about everyone here. Even if i didn't want to admit it. They were the only people i spoke half honestly with.
Sure I had many acquaintances. Many that thought they were good friends with me but none I could be honest with. Most people just wanted the smiling pretty face, who's words were sweet as fairysugar.

We talked among our selfs. Gilbert staying silent as he read only answering if addressed directly. Mainly to Jupiter's teasing.

Soon, the carriage had come to a jerky stop. I stepped outside and walked forward. Noticing Jupiter's friend, Ace patted the air in front of the carriages made me Scoff.
Some say there were large unseen creatures that pulled the carriages, but I wasn't so sure about it. Not that i really cared as I'm not an animal person unless if it was about my adorable salty.

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