32 - Convince

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Jungkook left the hospital with a heavy heart. He knew that Areum had feelings for someone else and expected a rejection, but now that it actually happened, he realized that he underestimated the hurting that comes after a rejection.

Sometimes in the past he would notice Areum's behaviour around him and almost think that maybe he has a chance. But Jungkook knew better than that. Despite the rejection from his best friend and first love, he wanted the best for her. He wondered "Does that make me a loser?"

When he arrived at home that night, he stepped into his parents' room with a small smile. His father was still at work but his Mom was there, laying down and watching her favourite show.

"Mom," Jungkook began, grabbing her attention from the T.V.

"Hmm?" was her response as she grabbed the remote and paused.

"I know that you're mad at Areum but,"

Mrs Jeon's eyes left the television and fell on Jungkook's face as he gingerly sat down on the corner of her king sized bed.

"Please don't report it yet." He requested.

His dear mother pursed her lips into a thin line and irritation slowly filled her eyes at the thought of it all. Jungkook inched closer and held his Mom's hand gently.

"Why shouldn't I, Jungkook? I have to." She stressed.

"I know you have to, Mom." He nodded.

"But won't you just wait a few more days? If anything happens right now Areum won't survive it; she'll be crushed," He started to explain.

"You know how she is. She's overly empathetic sometimes so she takes on other people's loads in addition to her own." Mrs Jeon watched him speak quietly.

"I really don't want to see her so unhappy. There's no telling when her body will collapse again.. Could you just go easy on her for a bit? Just til she's a little better?" He asked with hopeful doe eyes.

Mrs Jeon shook her head. "What if in the time that I delay it, that creep of a teacher continues to trick her into doing things with him? I cant let that happen."

Jungkook sighed. "Mom, I know him. He's not the kind of person you think he is."

Jungkook's mom smacked the back of his head. "Why are you defending the man of the girl you love, you idiot?"

Jungkook widened his eyes and stared at her, startled. "Wha— What are you talking about?" He said as casually as possible.

"I know you have feelings for her." She said, softly.

"No I don't," He denied while the pink on his cheeks said otherwise.

"Do you think I haven't noticed? Even a monkey could tell just by how you look at her," She chuckled.

"Ah, she didn't notice." He grimaced just thinking of it.

Mrs Jeon blinked multiple times like she was saying 'Are you kidding?'. With an embarrassed shake of his head, her question was answered.

She pulled him in for a hug and ran her fingers through his silky hair. "My poor son."she cooed.

"I'm fine." He sighed. "Just please hear me out. Areum said she'll end it. She cares too much to not end it," Jungkook insisted.

She let out a sigh. "Okay honey, for you I'll wait a bit until I tell anyone."

His head jerked up and he smiled at her. "Really?"

His mom nodded affirmatively.

"Thank you so much, mom." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

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