Chapter 3

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***A/N Shadow will now be referred to as Y/N (Your name)****

Tom woke up early sitting at his desk working on a bit of paperwork. He found it hard to focus on the work as the thought of the Fox kept invading his mind. His stomach started to tangle in knots as he tried to take his mind off of it. He looked out the window that looks out into the sea and saw Y/N coming. "Hmm, he's here very early." Tom looked at him as he could see that he was in a sort of bad mood. "Y/N you look upset, is there something bothering you?" He sighed deeply before sitting in the chair across from him. "Y'know, the usual trip to Blathers." "By the way Tom, did you ever find out about that Fox?" Tom grumbled," I have an idea, once I gather all the reports I have I'll be able to see if this character dealt with. "O-oh ok." "Is something on your mind", Tom asked. "W-well what if this Fox needed help in a way, hypothetically." Tom shook his head," No-no Y/N trust me, and please take this word of advice. Never trust a Fox, they're sneaky and conniving, and bring nothing but misfortune." "O-oh okay, I guess." Y/N got up and left leaving Tom to his work.

Tom decided to take a stroll around the island to get his mind off of the Fox situation a bit. "I need to clear my head, There is no way 'He's' is here." He decided to stop by able sister to get himself a new shirt for the hot weather. As he walked in he saw Sable sitting sewing clothing. "Hi Tom, need anything?" "Just a couple new shirt, the weather is getting hotter by the minute." "Ah ok, well I'm not sure we have anything in your size, Sable." Sable quickly got up and without hesitation began getting Tom's measurements. "This will only take two seconds." She held up fabric and Tom decided to go with a nice green color. She zipped over back to her desk and began sewing at high speeds. "Done." She handed him the finished shirt and it was amazing. "Ah, Sable I-Thank you so much." Tom wanted to ask her for coffee again, but he held back his tongue as she darted back to her desk to finish sewing other items.

He walked out the able sisters and saw Y/N again holding a painting before tearing it up to throw it away. "Y/N what was that?" They jumped looking at Tom with a cold sweat. "Oh um, it was nothing." They said angrily walking towards the back of the island. Tom took a close look at the torn pieces and found a name engraved in the back. "Sold by, R-REDD!!." Tom's theory was right, Redd was here and he was stirring trouble. "That no good-." He decided to follow Y/N in case they were going to see Redd.

Redd sat on his boat with a nice cool soda. "Ahh such beautiful weather, this Island has everything." He looked off into the distant ocean taking in the nice salty breeze. His ear twitched to the sound of footsteps behind him. "Ahhh it sounds like my Cousin." Redd got up and saw Y/N standing behind him. He quickly slithered up to him for a tight hug. "What brings you here?"


Y/N gave the odd painting to Blathers to examine. "I thought this would look nice in the art museum, and to think I found it floating on shore I-. "WHOOOOOT!?" "I know right, crazy-." "Actually, no Y/N, sadly this Painting is a mere forgery. Good thing you found this washed up on shore, I'd been sorry for the fool who actually thought this was the famous painting with her eyebrows looking like that. That person must have no brain cells hahaha. In fact, the real famous painting had such an elegant look to it that it gained traction from all over the world, did you know paintings like these took mere months to do, however with close inspection, it looked like this was printed on textured paper. What an idiot the person would've been if he bought it. Only intelligent people will see the real- Aaaand he's gone..." Blathers looked around to see that Y/N was no longer around and the sun was starting to set. "...Blathers you really need to stop talking so much.".


"Ahhh I see, Redd said nervously." "Redd that painting was fake, why would you sell me a fake?" Redd began to twirl his tail with a sad smirk. "Well, you never said you were going to donate them to a museum, besides I never said they were real." Y/N sighed as they looked at the other pieces. "Redd this is serious, if you're selling counterfeit art, you could get in serious trouble." "I...I know but-." "But that's why you don't trust a Fox." Y/N jumped as he looked back to see Tom standing behind him. Redd smiled," Tom, buddy ol' pal!" He went to give him a hug but Tom moved out the way. "Hey, that's no way to treat a friend, in fact, I think you're not happy to see me?" "Leave." Redd's ear twitched," Huh come again?" "I'm not joking Redd, I want you to leave." "I can't leave, I already made a pact with Cousin over here." Tom sighed," Y/N I need to be alone with Redd. Y/N sighed as he exited the boat. "Bye Cousin." They watched as Y/N left and once they got far enough, Redd's happy-go
-lucky smile turned a bit crude. "Now Tom, it's so rude to treat me so badly, it's been years have it not." "I don't care, I don't want you here." "I'm afraid that's not your decision to make, I know how these Island getaways work, if Y/N wants me gone then fine by me." "Well with that stunt you pulled with the art, I can see how Y/N feels about you." "Again, I didn't know he was going to donate it, my art is mainly for decoration. Tom looked at the art that he 'acquired', " And it looks like you're still doing illegal business, I see things never change, for lowlifes I mean." "Aahhhh there's the ' Fat Bitch ' I remember.", Redd said with a smirk. Tom walked up to him to intimidate him, but it wasn't working. Redd playfully ran a finger from Tom's stomach to his chin before he smacked it off. "Oh Tom, I can tell that my stay here is going to be so much fun".

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