Chapter Twenty-Three - Violet

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Max leaves the office and I am alone. The mess in the office shocks me. I can't remember if it was like that before, or if I was just so shocked at seeing Theodore's body that this is the only thing I can remember.

Eyes wide, gaping hole in his chest, arms splayed out, one at an awkward angle...

I shudder again at the memory and force myself to focus. I have to think like a detective in this situation or his death will be for nothing. I crouch down towards the stain even though it makes my stomach heave. Theodore had been lying close to the desk, which was the only piece of furniture in the room that had not been flipped over. It is a massive mahogany desk that had been in the office since before Marshall's time and is fixed to the floor. The drawers are ripped out and emptied. I crawl around to the side where Marshall's chair usually is, tucking myself into the space. I run my fingers over the wood looking for a secret compartment, although I am certain if there was one Castlemain would have found it. There is the tiniest space between the desk and the floor under where the drawers compartments are normally housed. I slide my fingers underneath, turned up to feel the base of the desk. The space is so narrow only a woman with slim fingers would be able to do this. I am not confident there will be anything under here anyway but through the dust I feel something pushed under there. It is not easy to reach which suggests that whoever pushed it underneath was not expecting anyone to be able to find it. After manoeuvring inch by inch I finally managed to extract whatever it is. I find myself looking at a USB stick, like people used before everything was stored on the Cloud. Marshall's words come back to me: He mentioned a file of some kind. And I know with absolute certainty that this must be it. A thrill of excitement and hope goes through me as I think maybe this is finally something concrete to be used against Castlemain.

'We need to leave.' Max's voice, low and urgent, in the doorway makes me jump. When he does not immediately see me he hisses, 'Violet?'

I hit my head on the desk as I scramble out, shoving the USB stick into my pocket. When he sees me he raises his eyebrows but does not ask.

'CCTV was wiped,' he says, striding in and tutting in frustration. 'And one of the police patrols heard me when I tripped over a chair. They are sweeping the building.'

'You tripped over a chair?'

He scowls. 'I move fast. Sometimes I don't see everything in my way. Did you find anything?' he asks, changing the subject before I can comment on his clumsiness.

'No,' I answer immediately, silently surprised at the ease with which the lie comes out. After everything we have been through I have no reason not to trust Max and yet a part of me reasons that Theodore had most likely died to protect whatever was on the USB. And at this moment the only person I know I can fully trust is myself.

Max's head turns in the direction of the door as though he is listening and the frown on his face deepens. 'Shit they are on this floor already.' He strides over to the window and forces the lock open. I shimmy over to his side and look out of the window, through the rain, to the ground eight storeys below us.

'How-' I start to ask but suddenly he sweeps me up into his arms without waiting for permission and jumps through the window. I cling onto him desperately, resisting the urge to scream as we fall straight down.

We land hard and the impact shudders through me, though Max is completely unaffected by it. We are right beside the police tape perimeter but there is no one around as they were all apparently called into the building. Max puts me down and we dart into the shadows of the Norton Rose building once more.

'You could give me a warning next time before you go all super-hero on me,' I say, hands on my hips, heart still racing from the sudden unexpected burst of adrenaline.

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