part four

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  You walked down the carpeted hallway with your head hung low. The buzzing lights only did so much in masking your intrusive thoughts. You couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if Beth hadn't interrupted. Would he have gone all the way? You tried to convince yourself that he wouldn't have. He's your boss; nothing more, nothing less. You couldn't lie to yourself, though. There have been many instances in which you pictured what it would be like to be underneath him.

"You alright?" A sudden voice from the end of the hall interrupted your train of thought. Looking up, you noticed a tall man with messy blonde hair and a leather jacket staring at you with a sympathetic smile.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good," You muttered, taking a moment to compose yourself. The way he was looking at you felt familiar, but you shrugged it off. It had been a strange night in general, making it unsurprising if your mind began seeing things. The man chuckled softly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"You don't look like you're fine. Valentine's Day blunder?" He asked softly, looking at you through his eyelashes. A genuine laugh fought it's way out of your body as your cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"I'm sure you're having a better night than me," You smiled.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," He chuckled, leaning against the frame of the elevator. You took note of everything in his appearance, unable to turn off your profiler mindset. He must've only been a year or two older than you and you could tell that he worked with his hands, judging by the callouses and small blisters. He was attractive, to say the least, and for a small moment, you weren't actively focusing on Aaron. "I just drove down from New York."

"Romantic gesture or work?" You asked teasingly. The corners of his lips turned upwards with a sort of childlike mischief.

"Work and family. I have an interview down here and I thought I'd stay with my brother and my nephew." As he explained, you noticed his eyes venture down your body then back up. Your heart skipped a beat.

"Ah, well, I'm sure they'll be happy to see you. I'm y/n, by the way," You said with probably a little too much excitement. It had been awhile since you last had a meet cute with a guy given that you work all hours of the clock.

"Sean," He replied. There was a brief second where there was nothing but silence as you both stared at each other, your mind wandering through all of the possibilities that could come from this conversation, and you could tell he was doing the same. There was something so alluring about the unknown.

"Um, here," Sean finally said after what felt like forever. He pulled his hand out of his pocket along with his phone. "You should put in your number and I'll give you a call tomorrow. Maybe you could show me around the city."

"Yeah, I could definitely do that," You beamed as you took the device from him and quickly typed in your digits. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow," You added.

"It's a date," He replied enthusiastically. Then, you both said your goodbyes and you entered the elevator, still feeling like you were floating.


The first thing you noticed when you woke up was that your phone was gone. It took you a little bit of time to realize that you left it on Hotch's counter. Begrudgingly, you drove over to his apartment and hurried up to his floor.

You were nervous to see him.

You weren't sure how your next meeting would go. A part of you was worried that he would bring up your physical entanglement, but the other half secretly hoped he would. You craved the feeling of his fingers against your skin, his tongue flicking against your neck. It was dumb, really. You shouldn't be thinking about your boss in that way. It happened, though, and you couldn't deny that.

You anxiously knocked on the door just to have it swing open to reveal none other than the brunette you hated with a passion. She was wearing nothing but a Quantico t-shirt and the air in your lungs escaped as you realized that it was Aaron's. A sharp knife dug into your heart, but you tried to cover it with a neutral expression. This wasn't the time nor the place to break down into tears.

"What're you doing here?" She asked, not bothering to be polite.

"I forgot my phone. Can I please come in and get it?" You explained with as little emotion as possible. As she was beginning to tell you 'no,' Hotch walked around the corner with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey, who is..." His voice trailed off when he saw that it was you standing in his doorframe. You couldn't fight off the urge to look him up and down. His wet black hair fell down to his eyes. Water droplets decorated his chiseled abs and, if you weren't mistaken, there were scratches on your chest. The hickies you had given him were still there, but they were covered by new ones.

You felt like you were going to be sick.

"I phone," You murmured, trying to not make eye contact with him.

"Come in," He said awkwardly, as if the situation was as bad as him as it was for you. You nodded and walked past them, straight to the kitchen, focused on nothing but getting out of there as fast as possible. Once you grabbed your phone off his counter and started making your way back, a familiar voice said your name.

"Y/n?" You turned around to see Sean sitting up on the couch with a blanket. His eyes were wide with surprise.

"Sean?" You asked, mirroring his expression.

Hotch cleared his throat. "Do you two know each other?"

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