Episode 10/11

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A/N - Couldn't resist writing some angst, but of course those beautiful trailers promise a very happy ending ;)

It hit him like a freight train. That doctor placing the necklace around Ezgi's neck, his Ezgi, or so he had thought...

He stepped forward, ready to give that man a piece of his mind or his fist, but he was interrupted by Levant physically restraining him, pushing him back, away from Ezgi. He didn't have the strength to stop him, his heart too busy trying to restart. He was sure he had misunderstood, he was sure that Ezgi wouldn't have gone to that doctor willingly. He had to be sure. The alternative was too painful to consider.

The doctor suddenly appeared, in his face, taunting him. It was like he could read Ozgur's mind as he spat back all the dark thoughts he had been having. So when Serdar told him how happy Ezgi was at his gesture, Ozgur didn't question it. It only confirmed what he already knew.

He couldn't help but punch that smug smile off his face, though. A small victory, in the grand scheme of things. The doctor had what was actually important. Ezgi.

He drove for awhile, aimlessly, hoping it would settle his thoughts. He landed at their place and the decorations were like a spike to his heart. What a fool he had been. Was he not the one who warned against removing layers too soon? And here he was bearing his whole heart to her.

He had thought she would keep it safe, protect it in her small, gentle hands. But, when he looked back on their brief time together, he couldn't really find it in himself to be angry. They hadn't promised each other anything. He had known the doctor was her goal – he had helped her win him over! It was him that had gotten carried away. And now all that was left was to pick up the pieces.

He couldn't bear to step out of the car and talk to his planner directly. He didn't want to see her face when she realized his feelings were unrequited. It felt like years ago that he had told her how lucky he was, with a small smile. He wasn't. Lucky.

He sent a quick text, cancelling the night's plans, and drove back to the restaurant. As soon as he walked in he signaled Emre to make him a drink. He settled into his corner of the bar, avoiding his patrons, and started drinking. And drinking.

Some time later, she appeared, a bright fairy smiling at him as if nothing had happened. It only made him hurt worse as he watched her. He would have had no idea she had just come from partying with the doctor. If he hadn't stumbled upon them, he might still think she could love him.

He wasn't thinking when he said those words to her. His only thought was to protect himself, to shut down. Her tears shocked him, but he kept going, needing to rip off the band-aid. He couldn't stand holding on to this hope.

But, when she left, he couldn't help but follow her. Despite what he knew he needed to do, he wasn't sure how he was going to bear losing her. She was his best friend. He watched her, torn between holding strong and begging for her forgiveness. In the end, it was his pride that won, keeping him at a distance. He waited there until she found a taxi, wanting to make sure she was safe, before retreating back into his restaurant, back into the fog.

For days he tried his best to push thoughts of her out of his mind, turning to exercise, music, Tesla, all the comforts of his previous life. Nothing was enough to erase the feel of her lips against his. Her smile, her laughter. How comfortable and fun everything was with her. He felt like he was missing a limb.

When he finally learned the truth from Levant and Cansu, he felt so disgusted with himself, so ashamed. Of course, his Ezgi would have never betrayed him. He had hurt her simply because of his insecurities. How dare he.

Within minutes he was on his way to Bursa, on his way to get his girl. He could only hope his apology would be enough to earn her forgiveness, to bring her back to their home. He couldn't bear this pain any longer. It became clear upon his arrival that explaining himself would not be easy. It became even clearer after her reaction to his apology that words were not going to be enough.

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