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Sans POV

Today was a nice day, papy was nervous, he's scared of being regected, bro, if my brother pap gets the girl maybe I could get someone too.. nah, no one would like to date me, I can't have children too so yeah. "Hey bro, chill" he seriously needs to chill.. "chill?! What if she doesn't like me back?! What if she stops being friends with us?!" "What! That would never happen!!" "AHH, sarah you scared me!!" Hehehe, I bet her mom does that to her.. "hey Sarah my brother had to say something really important to you.. hehe" your wolcome bro.. "ehhhhh.."

Narrator's POV

"What's so important? Is it a secret?" Sarah looked into papyrus eyes, well... Where his eyes would go, " well.. it's more of a question, ahem.. sahar-"
" He basically wants to go out with you, so what ya say?" Sans said with a smile, sarah looked shookith, and froze.. "so- SARAH ARE YOU OKAY?!"  papyrus said concerned "sand what did you do?!" "She'll be okay bro, she's just processing stuff, she has done this before heheheh" sans said "a-am okay... Idk what to say.. I mean.. haha uhh.." sarah starts blushing "am soo lost.. uhh.. is it just me or is it getting hot in here?! Haha," Sarah said getting confused, "omg.. YOU LIKE HIM BACK?!" "SANS SHUT UP" papyrus and Sarah said at the same time, "let's just go to the house.." "yeah what you said.." sarah replyed to papyrus.

End of chapter 2
To be continued

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Have a great weekend

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