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Narator POV

The gang started walking making pap and Sarah be ahead and have a chance to talk alone.. it's silient all they can hear is the crunch of the snow.. "soo, pap, do you actually like me?" "Eh?" Pap replied to sarah, "am asking if you actually like me, you know, do you have a crush on me?" Pap stops walking and Sarah turns around to notice that he has stoped, "is anything wrong?" "No, I just want to tell you the truth" sarah walks up to him and pap Neal's down (she's short) "I do like you I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable walking around with a skeleton holding your hand, what would misters think of a hybrid dating a moster, that's why If you say yes, I want to keep it a secret" sans caches up and hides to hear there conversation and spy's on them. "Am mostly part moster, and am part of the Royal famil-" "that's why am scared! What if that separates us? What if we stop being friends because I tried to be with you" "I've never heard you be soo worried about something ever in my life, also, that doesn't matter, Toriel already acepts you guys already.. and she'll be proud that I have a skeleton boyfriend becuse she doesn't care" Sarah leans in to kiss paps forhead and...

"SURPRISE!!" sans teleports between them stoping the kiss, "SANS WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" sarah said mad but laughing at the same time "BROTHER, YOU MAKE ME MISS MY LOVE MOMENT" paparus said angy. "Hahaha calm down, y'all can get more private time at the house" sans said continuing walking to Snowden. Sarah and papy get up and look at each other, sarah grabs paps hand and starts running, "C'MON LETS WE CAN'T LOOSE AGAINST SANS" papy gets startled, but joins in the running and the crew start a race..

End of chapter 3
To be continued

Closing up...

Have a great weekend

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